I am told that the Baltimore City Police are reporting an increase in burglaries between E. 33rd St. and E. 25th St. between Charles St. and Barclay St. Please be on the alert and call 911 if you see anything suspicious.

Also, according to the UPS tracking, a package was delivered to me this afternoon. When I got home at almost 9 p.m., there was no package on my porch. So presumably someone is stealing packages from porches. NOTE: Ten years or so ago, Frank Rock caught someone who would follow the UPS and other delivery trucks and pick up the packages from the porches; with an artificial hip, Frank managed to follow the guy until he could flag down a police car. Be alert and just maybe we can get lucky again (and now we have cell phones to call 911).

Finally, the Neighborhood Walkers in the Abell area will be out walking soon. Obviously, we need to do a lot of that, and not just in the Abell area.


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