My son prevented an attempted break-in at my next-door neighbor’s house this evening.


Matthew saw him climb onto our back porch and step over the fence that separates our porches and then onto my neighbor’s back porch.


He confronted the man who was trying to get in the backdoor.


The man said he saw a bed in the alley and wanted to get permission to take it.



The bottom line: he got away but after trying to take the neighbor’s bike.


Many police officers came about 20 minutes after I called 911.


They said they were late because they had just arrested a man who had broken into St. John’s church, 27th and St. Paul.


Matthew went to the police car to ID the man, but it wasn’t the same man.



Description of the potential thief from next door:


Black man with dark skin

About 45-50 years old

5’10” to 6’


Missing three or four top front teeth



We live in the 2700 block of Calvert.


Christine Gray




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