The police response is indeed distressing. I am curious about the facts behind 
assault that was in progress when the good samaritans intervened. Does anyone 
if that was random? a robbery in progress? or possibly a drug deal gone bad or 
incident that started in a nearby bar or restaurant?
Many residents of Baltimore are comfortable knowing that because they're not 
involved in drug activity or a bad domestic relationship their chances of 
becoming thevictim of a violent crime are greatly reduced. 
When you are a victim of crime statistics mean nothing. I was robbed at 
gunpoint in 1998 right in front of my house. Coincidentally there was an 
off-duty police officer parked in the garage less than 50 feet from my home at 
the time. When I ran to his vehicle after the incident he was reluctant to get 
involved. When I told a few friends about being robbed, one responded, "I 
remember the first time I got mugged." as if he was meant, '"Welcome to the 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 16:09:53 
+0000Subject: Re: [Chat] Fwd: Would-be rescuer stabbed 3 times

I agree, this is totally distressing.  I suppose that we should be prepared or 
should we hope for the "blue light camera" invasion of Charles Village.  

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