Kathleen Wilsbach wrote:
>> Good morning....thanks, gentlemen, for your opening discussion 
>> comments.  I remain unclear, however, as to how land value alone 
>> could have climbed from 30 to 40 K three years ago to 140 K in this 
>> latest assessment.
>> Cathy
> I have a question about land value and how it is factored in to the tax.
> I don't own the land my house sits on.  That land is owned by Nancy
> Hubble to whom we pay ground rent.  It doesn't seem right that my
> assessment should include tax on land that I don't own.  So, how
> does that all work?
> -Kathleen

What I have read in the past is that the homeowner is responsible for 
paying the taxes on the land regardless of whether there is a ground 
rent.  So the law protects the owner of a ground rent from the real 
estate tax.


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