Hello, neighbors,

Great news!  The Liquor Board rejected the license
transfer proposed for the Stella Mares restaurant.
Bonnie Bessor sent this to the AIA Members list.


Neighbors and Friends,

I am happy to announce that our community was victorious today at the
Baltimore City Liquor Board hearing!  Our attorney from the Community
Law Center argued that the BD7 license was prohibited in the community
based on the Urban Renewal Plan for the Waverly Business District.
Our attorney moved to dismiss the case and the Liquor Board accepted
the motion to dismiss.  The liquor license WILL NOT be transferred to
415 E. 32nd Street.  There is a slight chance that the other side will
appeal, but it is unlikely.

Many thanks to Michelle Pierce from the Community Law Center, our City
Council Representative Mary Pat Clarke, the Charles Village Civic
Association, the Better Waverly Community Organization, the Waverly
Improvement Association, Waverly Main Street, the Greater Homewood
Community Corporation, and all the community members who attended
meetings and signed petitions for their support in this effort!

Bonnie Bessor
412 E. 31st Street

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