The difference with this house is that the owner has claimed it as her primary 
residence when she (or anyone) can not live in it since 2004.  That's down 
right tax fraud.  Additionally, it went through the normal procedure of 
inspection, and the court ordered the owner to transfer, sell, or fix the 
property in Jan 2007.  The owner could have sold as is, but asked about three 
times the amount it was worth, and they ignored the court order.  So, when she 
refused to even bring it up to code (or secure it), which is the responsibility 
of any home owners in a civilized society, she refused, and the court held her 
in contempt in Nov of 2008. 

The city has not only lost out on lost tax revenue, but allowed an abandoned 
house to be claimed fraudulently as a residence.  The court ordered the 
homeowner to pay a $500 per day fine beginning in November for contempt of 
court, and the city needs to collect that from the owner or their estate.  I'm 
interested in finding out exactly where (and how) she lives while I smell her 
mold infested house next to mine, with what must be four feet of water in the 

We had another long abandoned property on our block that was eventually claimed 
by the city, sold to a non-profit that did an outstanding job at renovation, 
and put it back on the tax rolls, provided city revenue from the sale, and put 
back into a safe environment for all.  The mere $1400 per year in taxes the 
owner of 300 Lorraine=2
0pays per year would be recouped by the transfer tax alone on a single deed 
transaction if the city were able to convey the house or even vacant lot. 

Paul Williams      

-----Original Message-----
From: Roderick Fry <>
To: The Charles Village Chat List <>
Sent: Wed, 6 May 2009 8:50 pm
Subject: Re: [Chat] Fwd: 300 E. Lorraine Street abandoned house status

Or how about the fact that the city should be happy to receive any tax revenue 
from an abandoned house?  The majority of abandoned properties in the city are 
not generating any tax revenue.  Double this individual's tax bill, and they 
will likely stop paying their taxes.  This will drive the property into tax 
sale and, based on the the current shape it is in, will quite possibly become 
another city owned property.  Good luck finding a reporter that would do a 
story on this.  How about one of the other tens of thousands of abandoned 
properties that are not generating ANY tax revenue?

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 8:43 PM,  <> wrote:

Paul:How about going to one of the investigative news reporters at Channel 11 
or one of the other stations?  Dawna

-----Original Message-----


Sent: May 6, 2009 8:13 PM


Subject: [Chat] Fwd: 300 E. Lorraine Street abandoned ho
use status

 Believe it or not, NO reaction from our elected and government personnel to my 
Sunday rant about the contempt of court case concerning the abandoned house at 
300 E Lorriane! 

I'm now interested in how much tax revenue we have all lost from this house 
continuing to be taxed at an owner occupied rate, when in fact, its been 
completely abandoned since 2004, and the owner has been in contempt of court 
for six months.  Despite a $500 per day fine imposed last November, she was 
allowed to pay property tax of just $650 in February: something is seriously 
out of sync in the city government, or the owner knows the right people at City 
Hall.  Paul            

-----Original Message-----



Sent: Wed, 6 May 2009 7:51 pm

Subject: 300 E. Lorraine Street abandoned house status

 Mayor Shelia Dixon:

I have been pressing, complaining, and following the court case concerning the 
clearly abandoned and rapidly deteriorating property at 300 E. Lorraine Street 
in Charles Village to no avail.  Sunday, I learned to my disgust, tha
t this blighted property is being taxed at the owner occupied rate: no one can, 
nor has, occupied the house since 2004=2
0(even the vagrants have run away).   

I notified the people I've been working with for two years now with modest to 
no success (in the to: line above) on Sunday, and NOT ONE has replied, not even 
a polite reply saying work is in progress, concerning the myriad ongoing 
problems outlined below, which have been previously reported over two years ago 

So I ask you as mayor: Why is this house being taxed as a resident occupied 
house after 5 years as an abandoned property, and why has her contempt of court 
case not been enforced a full year later?  The house was to have been torn down 
in December of 2007.  How can the tax office accept a tax payment in February 
of this year, when she is in contempt of court to transfer sell or demolish the 
house, as condemned, and accept her claim that it is owner occupied?  This is 
tax fraud, and the owner needs to be retroactively fined and taxed as an 
abandoned property.    

In my opinion, you all have failed us residents miserably, and I'm now going to 
the press20to expose this gross inaction.  Paul            

-----Original Message-----

From: paul Williams <>

To: 'Hessler, Jason, "Acting Director, Code20Enforcement Legal"' 
<>; 'Clarke, Mary Pat (Baltimore City)' 
<>; 'Braverman, Michael "Deputy Commissioner"' 

Cc: 'Young, Bernard (Baltimore City)' <>;; 'Fairweather, Donna' <>

Sent: Sun, 3 May 2009 8:04 pm

Subject: RE: 300 E. Lorraine Street

0& Gentlemen!


I’ve been patiently waiting for information from you all on this
ongoing problematic vacant house (now full of mold) which I’ve been complaining
about for years (see below).  I had hoped to find resolution to the problem
through the normal channels, as the court system was making progress in her
contempt case.    Today, I watched the rain pour into the basement from the
back roof and noticed that the windows are so black with mold one can’t see


When I went to look the house up today (300 E. Lorraine – Square
3837, lot 66) on the real property tax database, imagine my anger at finding
that the owner not only paid her taxes in February (on a condemned house where
she is in contempt of court), but that she LISTED THE HOUSE AS HER PRICIPAL
RESIDENCE.  And, she got the residential tax rate (about $1400 per year), which
I’m sure she has obviously been getting for several years,
even with
condemnation proceedings now over two years old.  Nobody can, or has, lived
in the house since 2004. 


We moved into an
adjoining house facing the shared alley in
2003.  Even the illegal vagrants moved out in 2004 because of the deteriorated 
 How can the city allow someone to claim this condemned property as her 
residence?  She was found in contempt of court, and was subject to a $500 per
day fine beginning in November of 2008.    


I was assured action by my elected officials for several years
now, and thought our communication last November ensured that this house be
torn down.  Now I need to expose this illegal and embarrassing theft from
our cit
y coffers, and I intend on doing so by any public means possible,
beginning with the media on Tuesday morning, unless I hear from you with its
current status, the house is scheduled to be torn down, her $500 per day fine
is being p
aid, and she will be taxed retro-actively at the vacant rate; or
otherwise assured that my city officials are doing their job.   




Paul K. Williams

2629 Guilford Avenue

Baltimore, MD 21218


From: Hessler, Jason,
"Acting Director, Code Enforcement Legal"

Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 2:35 PM

To:; Clarke, Mary Pat (Baltimore City);
Braverman, Michael
"Deputy Commissioner"

Cc: Young, Bernard (Baltimore City);; Fairweather,

Subject: RE: 300 E. Lorraine Street




file was requested from the field and a contempt case was filed against Ms.
Neal to enforce the court order that required her to raze, rehabilitate or
transfer 300 E.  Lorraine.  I have not seen the returns from the
District Court but we expect the initial hearing to be on November 25th,
501 E. Fayette Street between 8:30 a.m. -12p.m.  Generally in a contempt
0the court would provide the owner with a deadline to comply with the
original order.  A daily fine automatically applies (usually $500 per
day) if the owner fails to meet the deadline.  We will contact you
when we have confirmed the court date.

Hessler, Esquire

Acting Director


Enforcement Legal Section

417 E. Fayette
Street, #202

Baltimore, Maryland



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message from your computer.

-----Original Message-----

From: []

Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 12:21 PM

To: Clarke, Mary Pat (Baltimore City); Braverman, Michael "Deputy
Commissioner"; Hessler, Jason, "Acting Director, Code Enforcement

Cc: Young, Bernard (
Baltimore City);

Subject: Re: 300 E. Lorraine Street

Gentlemen;  Its been more than two weeks since our
inquiry, and Mary Pat nor I have heard even one email from you regarding this

I'm rapidly going from a concerned citizen to an angry citizen.  The
property was ordered by the court to be torn down nearly a year ago. 
Taxpayers are losing money as it is listed as owner occupied in the tax rolls
for the past 5 years, when in fact, its abandoned and uninhabitable.  It
uld prove to make for an interesting story to the media. 

Paul Williams  



-----Original Message-----

From: Clarke, Mary Pat <>

To: Braverman, Michael "Deputy Commissioner" (City of Baltimore)
<>; Hessler, Jason, "Acting
Director, Code Enforcement Legal" (City of Baltimore)


Cc: Young, Bernard <>;

Sent: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 9:26 am

Subject: FW: 300 E. Lorraine Street

Dear Mr. Braverman and Mr. Hessler,

Could you please let us know the status of this property? When will
it be either fixed or demolished? Thanks, Mary Pat (In Councilman Young’s



Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2008 12:48 PM

To: Clarke, Mary Pat;

Subject: 300 E. Lorraine Street


Mary Pat!

I've been reportin
g and following the case of 300 E. Lorraine Ave, a house that
is abandoned and sits right behinds ours.  It is still listed and taxed as
being owner occupied, despite its roof now having caved in, with all the roof
water headed to the basement.  It has slowly gone through the legal
process and was supposed to be fixed up or torn down by December 2007!

Alas, its still extant, and emails to the legal department go unanswered. 
It now if full of mold due to the water infiltration, and the rear walls20are
collapsing.  Can something be done about this property?

Paul Williams

2629 Guilford Ave  

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