Hello, neighbors,

Next Sunday, Sept. 13th, the Baltimore Ethical Society will host
an address titled "End of Life Ethics" by the medical director
for the "Final Exit Network".  You may recall the news stories
earlier this year of how Georgia asked Maryland to arrest
and extradite a Hopkins doctor, Dr. Lawrence Egbert, and
the Maryland regional coordinator, Nicholas Sheridan,
on charges of conspiracy to assist suicides.  The "Final Exit
Network" provides no material support, only information,
so this is case is being closely watched.
Both appeared in a Georgia court and were released pending
indictment by a grand jury.  Here's an AP story in the Sun:


Here is the announcement for the talk.  The Baltimore
Ethical Society is located in the Old Congress Hotel at
306 W. Franklin St.

Sept. 13, 10:30 am

End of Life Ethics

Lawrence Egbert, M.D.
Medical Director, Final Exit Network

The Final Exit Network is a volunteer nonprofit educational organization that
serves people who are suffering from an irreversible illness which is more
than they can bear.  The organization offers information so they can, if and
when they choose, end their suffering.  It also provides guides who give
comfort and counseling, but does not physically assist in any manner.

On February 25th, 2009, Dr Egbert and three others from Final Exit Network
were arrested by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and charged with
assisting a suicide.  He was arrested again on May 26, 2009 by Maricopa
County, Arizona authorities and charged with "conspiracy to commit
manslaughter" because as Medical Director of FEN he oversees the acceptance or
rejection of all member applicants for services.  Dr. Egbert is staunchly
dedicated to the last human right a person may choose; the right to die.

Lawrence (Larry) Egbert is an anesthesiologist and has been a visiting
Assistant Professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine since
2001 and a member of the undergraduate campus "Health Pre-professions
Committee from 2002--2008.  He is a supporter of Doctors Without Borders
(about which he spoke at BES some years ago), Physicians for Human Rights, and
Physicians for Social Responsibility.  He is a member of First Unitarian
Church of Baltimore.

To view the current BES newsletter, visit

    http://baltimoreethicalsociety.org/Documents/BESpeak_2009_09.pdf  .



Emil Volcheck

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