FYI for Charles Villagers who want to raise their voices in support of health 
reform -- 

As part of the national mobilization to push back against the anti-health 
reform message that a lot of members of Congress got from last week's election 
in MA, we're having hundreds of rallies Tuesday around the nation in support of 
health reform.  One of them is downtown at noon on Tuesday.  Click the link and 
put in your zip code to get full details and RSVP.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Chamberlain, Democracy for America <>
Sent: Sun, Jan 24, 2010 12:21 pm
Subject: Democrats on the verge of full-fledged retreat

Matthew -

After one bad Senate election, most Democrats in Washington are on the verge of 
full-fledged retreat and everything we've fought for together hangs in the 

President Obama has signaled he's open to dramatically scaling back health care 
reform. The chairman of the Senate Banking Committee says he might gut the 
financial reform bill to appease Republicans. And on top of all that, the 
Supreme Court just opened the floodgates of corporate cash on politics!

Retreat is exactly the wrong message for Democrats to take from recent election 
losses. The lesson from Massachusetts is that voters want more change -- not 
less.  It's time for Democrats to stand up to corporate interests and fight for 
working families by passing healthcare reform and taking on Wall Street.

So Democracy for America members are joining with our friends at MoveOn in 
organizing emergency rallies nationwide on Tuesday to demand Democrats show 
backbone and leadership -- starting with passage of real healthcare reform.


We need a big turnout to show Democrats we're still waiting on them to deliver 
the change we voted for on healthcare and everything else. 

Make no mistake; Democrats still have the ability to pass healthcare reform and 
other progressive legislation. Even after last Tuesday's election loss, 
Democrats still have larger majorities in Congress than Republicans ever did 
under George W. Bush.

All Democrats in Washington need is to show some backbone. It's up to us to 
demand they use it, because progressives don't retreat -- we lead. 


Thank you for everything you do,


Charles Chamberlain, Political Director
Democracy for America

Democracy for America relies on you and the people-power of more than one 
million members to fund the grassroots organizing and training that delivers 
progressive change on the issues that matter. Please Contribute Today and 
support our mission. 
Paid for by Democracy for America, and not 
authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Democracy for America are not 
deductible for federal income tax purposes. 

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