On 4/13/2010 10:51 AM, JOSEPH STEWART wrote:

From an old Sunday Sun article about Waverly Remembered
by Viola Mussetter Dammann:

In those days before air conditioning, vaudeville and live theater
houses closed in the summer. so early one summer Harry Kahn, the
enterprising Waverly Theater manager, developed what might have been the
forerunner of the drive-in movie.

His open-air theater was a big closed-in lot behind the regular
theater. We paid at the boxoffice, as usual, then walked through the
theater, out the back door, and sat on wooden folding chairs there.

The piana player was out there, too, with his accompanying music -
"Hearts and Flowers" for the sad-sweet dialogue, the overture from
"William Tell" for the hero riding at full gallop to the rescue.

We felt our neighborhood had everything. Certainly one of its most
pleasant spots was the Sweet Shop at the corner of 33rd street and
University parkway. The place was operated by three sisters. They sold
ice cream and homemade pasteries.

Their huge, delicious cupcakes cost a nickel, an exorbitant price
then. Even so, unless you ordered in advance, you stood a good chance of
walking out empty handed.

These genteel sisters fairly radiated courtesy as they tended
customers, which gave their establishment an added aura of elegance.
Such gentility - so painfully rare these days - was contagious.

Without being told, children automatically assumed their best
behavior whdn they entered the shop.

I left the neighborhood in the mid-1930's. The course of my life
has taken me into other pleasant communities, but when I think of home,
I still think of Waverly.


Join 14th District City Councilperson Mary Pat Clarke, City
Council President Jack Young, Police Commssioner Bealefeld, Fire Chief
community residents, merchants and shoppers outside Darker Than Blue,
3033 Greenmount Ave. at 2:00 pm this Saturday, Apr. 17th.

We will promote this historic convenient commercial corridor
showing neighborhood and city support for its safety and vitality
by walking up one end of Greenmount Avenue and down the other between
35th & 29th, ending at 31st outside old Waverly Town Hall.

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