The very best dental care I've ever had has been at the University of
Maryland School of Dentistry. ranked as the best dental school in the US


Ask for a student who will graduate in the spring.


The students cannot make a move until/unless a dental professor/specialist
looks at the patient's teeth.  Often, the professor does the work while the
student watches.


The equipment and facilities are top of the line.


It takes insurance.


I had a crown replaced for, I think, $400.


And you can walk there-about 3 miles from CV.



Christine Gray 


And they take children and do orthodontic work.





[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:28 PM
Subject: [Chat] in search of some recommendations, please


My son and I are fairly new to the area (moved in last Dec.) and are finally
getting around to seeking out some necessary services.  We'd really
appreciate any recommendations for:


A family doctor ...preferably in the neighborhood? 


A local dentist


Good place for my teenage son to get a haircut


home cleaning service?  We've trying out one that was recommended earlier,
but not sure it's a good match for us.


Bike repair shop?


Many thanks,





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