
Thanks for providing another perspective.  We all benefit from the hearing 
it.  I don't mind getting the Sun Plus and I have even benefited from 
reading them. When I have finished reading them I simply recycle them.  No harm 
done.  The fact that local businesses support the Sun Plus delivery will 
definitely inform my decision on whether to cancel the delivery.


The bigger issue is when property owners or tenants do not pick them up and 
dispose of them but leave them on the street or on their porch for days.  
This problem we can solve only by opening up lines of communication with our 
neighbors and asking them not to litter and to maintain a clean exterior.  
We can advocate for our blocks and keep our blocks safer by getting to know 
as many owners and residents on our block as possible, making them feel like 
part of the neighborhood, informing them of neighborhood clean and safe 
standards and, if all else fails, by using the systems and processes that exist 
to change offensive behavior.

If anyone would like to help with this effort by becoming a block leader on 
their block or by joining the CVCA Sanitation Committee where issues such 
as these are discussed and solutions proposed, please contact me.

Sharon Guida, CVCA Sanitation Committee

In a message dated 1/8/2011 7:05:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: 
> What I am about to say may be against many opinions, but the SunPlus 
> paper sustains local jobs in the community.
>  It does not hurt the environment, because it is printed on re-cycled 
> paper. It helps the local economy by featuring businesses and organizations 
> in 
> the Baltimore area--not businesses from other states or other countries 
> like the Internet does. Think of it as junk mail if you will, but it helps 
> the 
> working class during these tough economic times.
>  Happy New Year
>  Richard Burnham (an environmentally conscious printer in Charles 
> Village).  
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