Thanks Eric.

The person calling or emailing a complaint to 311 should cite the citations 
you have located and request the issuance of one or more of the citations 
listed in the enforcement provisions listed below.  

§ 7-229. Enforcement by citation.
(a) In general. In addition to any other civil or criminal remedy or 
enforcement procedure, this subtitle may be
enforced by issuance of:
(1) an environmental citation under City Code Article 1, Subtitle 40 
{"Environmental Control Board"}; or
(2) a civil citation under City Code Article 1, Subtitle 41 {"Civil 
(b) Process not exclusive.
The issuance of a citation to enforce this subtitle does not preclude 
pursuing any other civil or
criminal remedy or enforcement action authorized by law.
(Ord. 99-548; Ord. 03-595.)
§ 7-230. Penalties: $500/day.
(a) In general.
Any person who violates any provision of this subtitle or of any rule or 
regulation adopted under this subtitle is guilty of a misdemeanor and, on 
conviction, is subject to a fine of not more than $500 for each offense.
(b) Each day a separate offense. Each day that a violation continues is a 
separate offense.
(City Code, 1976/83, art. 11, §272.) (Ord. 99-548.)

In a message dated 5/31/2011 10:18:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: 
> Here's the relevant text from the city ordinances.  I couldn't figure out 
> how to link directly to the subsection, but it's in the Civil Citations 
> digest, under Title 7 of the Health Code 
>  Two sections that seemed relevant, the first requires that dumpsters be 
> labeled with the company name and container registration number, the second 
> lays out the permitted hours (7am to 11 pm).
>  § 7-219. Identification of containers.
>  (a) 
> In general. Each waste container that has a capacity of 2 cubic yards or 
> more must be labeled with:
>  (1) the name of the licensee; and
>  (2) an identification number assigned by the Commissioner.
>  (b) 
> Form. The label must be:
>  (1) on the outside of the container; and
>  (2) in permanent lettering that is:
>  (i) plainly distinguishable; and
>  (ii) at least 3 inches high.
>  (City Code, 1976/83, art. 11, §269(e).) (Ord. 99-548.)
>  § 7-221. Hours of collection.
>  (a) 
> In general. Except as specified in subsection (b) of this section, no 
> hauler may collect solid waste in the
>  City before 7 a.m. or after 11 p.m. on any day, weekends and legal 
> holidays included.
>  (b) 
> Nonresidential areas. A licensee may collect solid waste at any time from 
> a business, commercial, industrial,
>  institutional, or other nonresidential use structure as long as no 
> residential structure is within
>  100 feet of any collection point.
>  . . . .
>  (City Code, 1976/83, art. 11, §26(f).) (Ord. 99-548.)
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