Right, but because of the tax credit you were probably never paying the full 
tax on that 116k.  That's the credit part.

On Jul 9, 2011, at 1:31 PM, jberlin <jdy...@verizon.net> wrote:

> i appreciate everyone's response. However I still don't get it. It sounds as 
> if I am still paying the tax for last years assessment and then some. 3 years 
> ago my assessment was 116k. It went up to 133k. Now it is back down to 116k. 
> Yet I'm paying more than the previous yrs.
> On 07/08/2011 05:52 PM, Stephen J Gewirtz wrote:
>> Joshua is right about how the  taxes work.  Under the homestead tax law, if 
>> your home is owned by you and is your principal residence, your effective 
>> assessment (what you actually pay taxes on) can go up by no more than 10% 
>> per year compounded.  The 10% figure is used for state tax purposes (if you 
>> look at your bill, you will see that it shows both a City tax and a State 
>> tax).  And the counties and Baltimore City are allowed to use the 10% figure 
>> or to adopt a lower figure -- Baltimore City uses a 4% figure -- for local 
>> tax purposes.
>> If you look at your tax bill, it shows a State tax rate of 0.112% and a City 
>> tax rate of 2.268% of the assessed value of your house, and it gives the 
>> State and City taxes based on your assessment and based on those rates, as 
>> well as a total tax.  Those two numbers will be a lot less than they were 
>> last year because of the lower assessments.  Those numbers reflect what you 
>> would pay if there were no homestead tax credit.
>> The next two lines on the bill are a State assessment credit and a City 
>> assessment credit.  Those lines represent how much you are saving because of 
>> the homestead tax credit.  And the line after that is the net tax amount, 
>> which is how much you have to pay if you pay in August or September (you get 
>> your tax reduced by one half percent if you pay in July).
>> Let me take my own house as an example.  Six years ago, my house was 
>> assessed a little bit more than $83K.  Three years ago, it was assessed for 
>> a little bit more than $255K, i.e. it a little bit more than tripled.  This 
>> year, it was assessed for a little bit more than $178K.
>> So, six years ago, five years ago, and 4 years ago, I paid a tax on $83K of 
>> assessment (actually, I paid less than that. because the $83K was an 
>> increase over the previous assessment, and that increase was phased in over 
>> 3 years).  Then, three years ago, I paid an actual State tax based on an 
>> assessment of $83K * 1.10 and a City tax based 

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