Thanks for the pointers.  I have looked at Haskell and have some
work-related reasons to learn it.
I would suggest that you have made a "type error" :) by suggesting "
you compile
time errors if you pass say an int into something that expects an array.
​ since arrays and ints are orthogonal to each other. ​

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 10:34 PM, Aistis Raulinaitis <>

> I'm rather agnostic either way! I like J so much because of it's dynamism.
> The J does dynamism right, bar none (imo). I only need to say one word,
> rank. I haven't found anything that compares to it in any other language.
> Not even Factor comes close, and I really really like it's stack
> combinators and fried quotations. What I really like about J is that a lot
> of the work I do fits right into it, quick, iterative, data exploration,
> make a graph and forget about the code forever. No other language lets me
> do that entire cycle as quickly as J, the solution can usually fit in a
> tweet. What I've been thinking about is that there must be some really nice
> underlying way to give J an optional type system, or at make some sort of
> toy language that fits the bill. That and there is no implementation for
> obverse in Haskell, aka: ^_1 :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a). Although maybe if you
> add some constraints on a and b and reified J's AST, maybe it would go
> somewhere. My first thought is to do something like: ^_1 :: (JVal a, JVal
> b) => JFunc a b -> JFunc b a.
> I know Mr. Iverson really didn't like types, and I completely understand
> that. It can absolutely slow down the development of the language, but
> giving up sum types in J is a bit sad to me. I think that just that would
> be interesting, since nil is horrible and Maybe is bliss, and I think J
> would benefit from having the capability. Then my personal bias shows in
> the fact that I'm sold on dependent types, which I actually think are
> *necessary* for typing some of J's trickier semantics. Such as functions
> that dispatch on the type of the argument. My first thought was to use type
> level sums, but then I realized that not much work has been done in that
> area. Compound that with the fact that I realized that some functions would
> require *open* sums, *at the type level*! So that would give up all the
> nice things that closed sums give you. So now my best guess is to track the
> types with a type level set, and then to dispatch to the proper function
> with that information. So the type would contain the possible types of the
> arguments that could be passed in, essentially still maintaining 100% of
> the polymorphism (if everything goes right), while also giving you compile
> time errors if you pass say an int into something that expects an array.
> You could go one step further (and I would), and track the dimensions of
> the array at the type level. So the type of (2D) transpose would be:
> 2dtrans :: [a][b] -> [b][a], where a and b are the length of each
> dimension. Generalized NDimensional transpose would be a little trickier, I
> think it can be done with enough tinkering. You could then go on and say
> that you expect specific sizes: someFunc :: [3][4] -> [5][4] -> [8][4], or
> leave some parts polymorphic: otherFunc :: [a][5] -> [6][b] ->
> [(a+b)*3][7]. Yes, that is type level computation, welcome to dependent
> types! ;) It's like ASSERT but even better!
> This would essentially give you compile time errors for a whole suite of
> things that usually go wrong at runtime. It would also probably give better
> error messages, at least more verbose ones.
> Very interesting article!
> Devon, I hope some of the above answers a part of your question. If you
> already have some experience with Haskell, I would implore you to try a
> dive into Agda. <--- My favorite
> tutorial on Agda. Install Emacs if you don't already use it and use Agda's
> auto proof search feature, it's a completely different way of programming
> and it's definitely the future in it's own way. If you want a good example
> of Agda's power, I'll shamelessly promote some of my own code, wherein I
> use Agda to prove some trivial things in physics:
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 6:12 PM, Joey K Tuttle <> wrote:
> > Lots of topics to chat about  ;-)
> >
> > Sorry to say, I don't admire your idealized child - but these things are
> > indeed personal.
> >
> > In general, choice of language is intensely personal  -- e.g. in this
> > story about a fellow "suing himself" over language license issues...
> >
> >
> > verge-of-ipo-arista-networks-faces-lawusit-from-a-billionaire-cofounder/
> >
> > I don't know how that ended - but I thought that it was interesting view
> > of passion for a language.
> >
> >
> >
> > On 2015/04/02 17:01 , Aistis Raulinaitis wrote:
> >
> >> Definitely. Thanks. I felt a little sad for the author's distaste for
> >> static typing. As a Haskeller I actually see static typing as tool to
> lean
> >> into when things get tough, instead of a thing you have to work against.
> >> To
> >> me programs are just data and mappings of that data from input to
> output.
> >> I
> >> may just be one of those weirdos, but for me (at least right now) the
> >> perfect language for me would be if J and Idris/Agda had a baby and
> made a
> >> dependently typed array language. ...and regained back APL's symbolic
> >> syntax and left ASCII in the dust.
> >> On Apr 2, 2015 4:33 PM, "Joey K Tuttle" <> wrote:
> >>
> >>  With this interesting article -
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
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Devon McCormick, CFA
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