It also attempted an exposition of the infamous incunabulum - Very good, seemingly, but also riddled with mistakes.

The chatbot certainly has some shallow holes and some deep ones. I suspect that its performance at j can be attributed to one of the former, viz., there is not much material about j on the internet (in its training set), compared with, say, a language like python (and its performance in python is quite impressive, so I hear).

Not to say that there mightn't be deeper holes lurking, only that we cannot draw any conclusions about them from this sample. For instance, j is a lot more expressive (in the formal sense) than most other programming languages--meaning, it has little redundancy--for instance, >/@.(>&.) _is_ a legal (if useless) j sentence--so it may be much harder to find patterns.

On Tue, 6 Dec 2022, Raul Miller wrote:

Yeah, that chatbot seems to struggle with J syntax.

Probably because it doesn't use a J session to test its "J expressions".

(Intelligence which is not artificial would also struggle under such
circumstances. Which, in turn, has significant economic implications:
expertise which is never tested in practical contexts tends to sound
good without being useful.)


On Tue, Dec 6, 2022 at 3:37 PM Jose Mario Quintana
<> wrote:

Human: What do you know about the J programming language?
AI: I know that J is a concise high-level programming language
designed to express complex algorithms in a few lines of code. As a
functional programming language, J is well suited for data analysis,
statistical computing, and machine learning applications. It has been
used by companies like Google and Amazon, as well as many universities
and research laboratories.

Human: Is recommended to write tacit programs in the J programming language?
AI: Yes, tacit programming is a style of writing code that is favored
by many J programmers. This style emphasizes the use of small
functions and expressions, which are combined to create larger
programs. This allows for concise yet expressive code that is easy to
read and understand.

Human: Can you give an example of tacit J code?
AI: Sure! Here is an example of a tacit J function to find the maximum
value in an array:

max =: >/@.(>&.)

This code finds the maximum value in the array by using two functions:
(1) >&. finds the maximum value in each sub-array, and (2) >/ finds
the maximum value in the entire array.
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