I was wondering if maybe we could make a version of freenet for PDAs.  I
mean, they can transfer data useing an IR transmitter/reciever.  Just
make it so that the PDA version can't try to store large files, only tiny
ones, like the size of about 157k or something.  I mean, most of the
programs and documents that PDAs can handle these days are not very big. 
You can't put a 60 meg file on a PDA.

Make it so that when freenet is running on a PDA it is always actively
searching for an IR signal from any other freenet-enabled PDA.  And it
would be great if it could run in the background so that you can do other
stuff with your PDA. :)

The downside is that the PDA would have to be exposed constantly to the
outside world  so that it can get line-of-site transmission.

The upside is that you can easily equip internet or otherwise networked
desktop and laptop computers with IR ports and special add on software
that allows freenet to communicate with PDAs and other similarly equiped
machines. :)

What do you think?

Also, I'm thinking of dumping DBR entirely and going completely over to
VBR.  Sure it might be a bit more clicking for users, but it frees me up
a LOT.  Just recently our phone was disconnected because of these massive
long distance charges that hadn't been payed.  UGH.  Anyway, I very
easily could have been unable to update the DBR regularly enough to allow
users to get to my site.  This would be bad.  So I'm thinking I could
just create a splash2.html page that doesn't do DBR at all, only VBR, and
put that key on Steve's Key Server.  This way people will be able to get
to my site and will never have to wait for a DBR that may or may not show

Tell me if you think users would be OK with that.  If not, I guess users
will have to be on their own when I am unable to update regularly.

I will still update all my files weekly though.

Also, I want to come up with some kind of reward system for those who
choose to donate $1 to me, or more.  I was thinking of makeing it so that
they can get rid of the ads on my site, but only after they have donated
at least $1.  This way perhaps I can get some money, and please some
users at the same time.  Kind of like selling something I guess.  Selling
the right to no ads. :)
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