Freenet Grab is now available for Windows without the need to 
install the language Python. (py2exe is magic.)

Freenet Grab  - 0.0.3 is a replacement for the official Freenet project's
freenet_request(Un*x) and frequest.exe (Windows). has been tested with Python 2.0 under Linux, but
should work with many operating systems and just about
any version of Python. (Success reports welcome.) uses XML-RPC, available in Freenet
and later. has all the features of freenet_request / frequest.exe
and these unique benifits:

* Retrying failed requests with incremental hops to live.

* Better support for in-Freenet key index searching.
  The official Freenet client doesn't let you specify a range or
  set the threshold for the number of fails to quit before giving up.
  If a range isn't specified, starts searching the index
  at 1 and continues until the number of fails equals the threshold.
* Specify a file containing a list of keys to download.
  The file format is simply a text file containing a key on each line.
  When you download keys listed in a file, it derives the filenames
  from the keys:
  would be saved as I_was_born_to_make_Rob_happy.mp3

  would simply be saved as test

* Verifying a list of keys in a file. Keys are requested but the process
  aborts after a few kilobytes have been downloaded. Results of
  the tested keys are saved in a file.

Future versions will do threading for multiple simultaneous requests

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