The mind boggles with the possibilities....

"So sir, that'll be 24,000 kilograms of cocaine hydrochloride,  80,000
kilograms of diacetyl morphine, 200 kilograms of d-25-lysergic acid
diethylamide, 5 Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles, 30 plutonium warheads,
and of course, your free set of steak knives.

"That comes to 11,229,315,599.95 US Dollars, including freight. Will that be
cash, diamonds, Amex or FreePOS?"

"FreePOS please"

"OK Sir, swipe your card here... OK, type in your PIN number... would you
like a cognac while it's authorising?... my, the Freenet seems awfully slow
today, would you like a cup of coffee?... Oh [phew] the transaction has been
cleared. Thanks for your business, sir, and have a nice day. Thanks for
shopping at Jihad-Mart".

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Cakebread" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 10:09 AM
Subject: Re: [freenet-chat] Never Ceases to Amaze Me...

> On Monday 07 May 2001 11:36 pm, you wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Mr.Bad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > > ...what gets on Slashdot about Freenet:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > FreeSQL seems like a cool project and all, no mistake. It's got to be
> > > the most ambitious application built on Freenet so far
> > > (notwithstanding the IRC program -- you can drop a chat message, but
> > > you can't drop a data update!).
> > >
> > > But anyone whose built anything on Freenet has got to boggle at the
> > > very idea. Can it actually happen? I dunno, but hats off to FreeSQL!
> >
> > Along similar lines: to the persons doing FreeSQL: todays mantra is
> > It's not too difficult. Also, you should be able to stick in a FCP or
> > XML-RPC client in there so you aren't dependant on the CLIs too. (I'm
> > horrible with perl so I wouldn't ask me :)
> >
> Check out the news on Sourceforge. I guess he was inspired from
> the Slashdot effect. He's adding XML-RPC, mysql, Enzyme,
> and the kitchen sink.
> > > ~Mr. Bad
> > >
> > > --
> > >  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> > >  Mr. Bad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Pigdog Journal |
> > >  freenet:MSK@SSK@u1AntQcZ81Y4c2tJKd1M87cZvPoQAge/pigdog+journal//
> > >  "Statements like this give the impression that this article was
> > >   written by a madman in a drug induced rage"  -- Ben Franklin
> > >  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> >
> > -Mathew
> >
> >
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