On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 03:40:36PM -0400, frankg wrote:
> Quoting Tavin Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 02:06:26PM -0400, frankg wrote:
> > > Quoting Tavin Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > >
> > > > On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 01:43:04PM -0400, frankg wrote:
> > > > > Remember the kid on the dev list who tried to remove the
> pedophile
> > > > > picture test.jpg with htl 1 attacks? Tavin Cole had problems with
> him
> > > > > try removing pedophile pictures.
> > > > >
> > > > > Then we see Tavin talking about Think Cash, a way to prevent
> spammers
> > > > > from posting to Freenet. I know spammers are worse than
> pedophiles,
> > > > > but... nah that isn't censorship. Nah.
> > > > >
> > > > > We all love censorship.
> > > >
> > > > Excuse me, but where do you get off misconstruing my statements,
> out of
> > > > context, in an argument that I am completely uninvolved in?
> > > >
> > >
> > > Everything I said was true. What did I take out of context?
> > > I was making the point that everyone loves censorship in one
> > > form or another. You're an excellent example that came to mind.
> >
> > I once expressed irritation with some of Mr. Todd's activities.  I
> never
> > said I "had problems with him try removing pedophile pictures" (sic).
> >
> > I have discussed think cash on the list.  How do you get from there to
> > saying I'm advocating censorship?
> >
> > > You have a problem with me talking about things you have said
> > > on a public mailing list?
> >
> > No, but civility recommends that you not misquote me, nor draw
> ungrounded
> > conclusions, nor make unpleasant insinuations about my character.
> >
> > --
> >
> I didn't quote you so I couldn't have misquoted you. I explained
> that you 'had problems with him trying to remove...' , and it was true. 
> Go look at that thread and you will see the 'activities' you were
> irritated about were in fact trying to remove test.jpg which he said was
> child porno and child porno was the only thing he was trying to remove. 

Actually, what irritated me was the fproxy "web bugs" he was distributing.
Someone had posted a rather obfuscated message about it and I followed a
link to see what they were talking about, and realized I'd just managed
to get my I.P. address on a shit list of alleged pedophiles.  Wonderful.

As for the replacement attack on test.jpg, I must say that I don't agree
with the approach of artificially concealing the evils of our society.

However, your recent retelling of this was indeed sensationalized and
rather libelous as far as the implicit accusation of pedophilia.  I
think the exploitation of children is terrible, thank you very much.

> It was a sensational example and I didn't mean to imply anything about
> your character. I appologize.

Thank you.

> The purpose of think cash is to censor spammers. It is not a big leap.
> Censorship is censorship and it is good.

I don't think you can really equate the effort to protect one's electronic
mailbox from spam with the abrogation of an individual's rights to free
speech.  Think cash doesn't even stop posts, it justs slows them down.
Completely blocking someone from posting messages to a public forum would
be censorship.


# tavin cole
# "The process of scientific discovery is, in effect,
#  a continual flight from wonder."
#                                   - Albert Einstein

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