>From: Aaron P Ingebrigtsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I am against the death penalty for several reasons:
>1) For the guilty, death is a blessing, not truely a punishment.
>2) For the innocent, being killed for a crime they did not commit is a
>horrible thing, and the system is NOT good enough to kill only the
>3) As for money, if we are killing people just to save money then we
>should be investing our money in rehab instead of incarciration for most
>of the convicted criminals in our society.  Are we?  NO!!
>4) I think it would be a better idea to rehabilitate those who can be
>changed, and kick the rest of them out of the country.  And devise some
>way of keeping them out until their innocense is proven or something.

I will agree with your reasons, above, but think there are more...

one more I would suggest is that:

We can prove ourselves no better than the person we are attempting to 
punish, by killing him/her/them.  How can a society of individual people be 
proud to say they have killed another human being in an act of vengence, or 
retaliation, or punishment, or even for the sake of deterence, which we all 
know deters nothing?  A civil, and advancing society, which is what most 
people tend to beleive we, as a society, are doing, by creating laws and 
attempting to reduce crime, would find ways to PREVENT the crimes, as 
opposed to using punishment of the criminals as a deterent to those who 
would become such.

A society which must continuously add and redefine laws in order to maintain 
an illusion of an advancing, caring society, is a failure of such a great 
magnitude, that one must rely on maintaining the illussion of a safe society 
because of the mere presence of so many laws...

No government on Earth, yet, has managed to proclaim a victory in such that 
laws were unnecessary, other than the common sense laws of not harming 
another, which wouldn't even need to be written down.

The Killing of another person, by the government, other than in the act of 
self-defense(or defense of another) is as much an act of war against the 
whole populace as if it were done by an anonymous person planting an 
eggsplosive in a large building...


P.S. - There may be many more reasons for not killing than that.  And maybe 
there are reasons TO kill, like the other person wants to die, as is their 
choice, but that would fall more in the assisted suicide catagory, and not 
as part of this discussion.  IMO, a FREE society does not KILL, regardless 
of its desire to rid itself of an "evil".
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