I solved that little problem I was haveing with PGPdisk, it was being
caused by my system scanner.  Since I was creating the file myself, I
knew I didn't have to worry about the file being infected, so, I
temporarily disable my system scanner before mounting the PGPdisk, then
reenable the system scanner.

But I just recently had another problem. I didn't have any idea what a
VPN was before I got PGP, and I didn't know what PGPnet was or how to use
it, but, I installed it and told it to protect my Dial-up Adapter, or
whatever.  I told it what key to use for authentication too.  Then I got
online and was surfing without any problems.  Then my modem disconnected
and thats when the problem started.

You see, MSN tried to connect again, but, it didn't even start dialing,
instead it said something about how it needed to install some components
or whatever.  Anyway, somehow my DUN files got screwed up and I had to
reinstall Dial-Up Networking from scratch, makeing sure to replace every
single file even if windows does suggest keeping them.  I found out that
I couldn't just let those files stay there because I tried letting them
stay there in an earlier reinstall and all it got me was a connection to
the internet with no TCP/IP.  So, I installed from scratch and now I am
able to get online and surf to my hearts content. :)
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