Hello, I am in a bit of a jam here.  You see I stored certain OEM keys
for Windows 95 CD-ROMs in a file, then lost that file.  I can't find any
hard copy either.  I was just wondering if maybe someone might have a
copy of that file, or maybe has another file with OEM keys in it for
Window CD-ROMs.

The reason I stored that in a file is because I knew I would probably
lose the hard copy of the key that came with windows, and I did.  And now
I can't find the file.  DARN IT!!  This means that I will not be able to
install any version of windows until I find the key.  ARGH!!  I NEED that

I think I gave a couple of copies to a friend of mine and I am waiting
for him to call me back, but he probably threw away the hard copy and
maybe deleted the file off of the disk I gave him.  GRR!!

I suppose I could ask my dad if he could help find it, he might know
someone with a copy.

I concider Win95a to be abandonware, as is Win95b, because they are not
being made or sold by Microsoft or any of thier licensed vendors.  So, I
do not think that it is wrong to have "illegal" copies of either of those
OSes or the keys to unlock the installation programs.
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