> it seemed that [a German] ISP's operator can be arrested for storing
> illegal material on his proxies hard disk. Although IANAL, I think the
> same will apply here.

That sounds dangerous. It obliges all internet service providers to act as
information police. Goodbye privacy and free expression.

Does that kind of legal situation exist anywhere else in the world?
For instance, in the USA, the DMCA gives protection to ISPs.

Has 'plausible deniability' as a defense been tested anywhere?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Volker Stolz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 00:22
Subject: [freenet-chat] Node operators responsibility

> Hi, I read up on
> but that still doesn't address an issue I was thinking about:
> You were discussing that an ISP might shut you down if you provide
> copyrighted content. I'd like to go one step further:
> Node operators *will* be sent to jail because of data on their harddrive.
> If the following stuff has already been discussed somewhere, please
> me with a reference.
> Even if you'd choose to encrypt your store, once the black hats have a
> reason to seize your machine, they can run PrintKeys on your store
> peeking the keys from a currently running instance of freenet_server) and
> off you go.
> Any thoughts on this issue? Currently, I really can't recommend running
> a Freenet node in Germany. Last time I checked up on current events
> such things, it seemed that an ISP's operator can be arrested for storing
> illegal material on his proxies hard disk. Although IANAL, I think the
> same will apply here.
> --
> Volker Stolz * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * PGP + S/MIME
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