I disagree.  I think this is a very bad idea.  The legal battle is going
to happen no matter what you do, and all they have to do is prove that
freenet CAN be used for illegal uses.  That is all.  Not that it IS being
used for tradeing child porn or pirated software, but that it CAN be used
to do that.  And all the proof they need already exists and there isn't a
damn thing anyone can do to change that.  What we can do though is prove
that a node owner can't possibly censor his/her own node and that freenet
as a whole cannot possibly be censored, and all the proof we need already
exists and there isn't a damn thing any government can do to change that

The battle will happen, and win or lose, I believe freenet will survive
and keep freedom alive around the world.

Even if the battle is lost in one country there are still many others in
which it could be won.  But that doesn't really matter because I think
freenet will survive anything the legal systems out there can do.

Besides, because of the nature of freenet, no one can prove where a file
originated or who originaly uploaded it, so the prosecuters can plant
evidence without anyone being able to prove that they did so.  So, what
good would it do to only post GOOD, LEGAL content on freenet when the
prosecuters are going to post illegal content anyway just to prove that
it can be done and that there is no way to trace it down or censor it?!

Can you answer that?  I don't think so.  So, what I'm saying is, do
whatever you want because when the war starts nothing you do now or will
do in the future will matter.  It is already set to go, all the variables
are filled up, all the facts already exist.  All that is going to happen
will happen no matter what content you put onto freenet.

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 19:17:39 +0200 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Hi,
> I've been following the evolution of freenet with interest and its
> implications in terms of intellectual property and other censorship
> issues.  One of the ways the developement of freenet and related
> progects such as eof will withstand the coming legal assault on its
> existance is ensuring that its overall use and content is "innocent" 
> and
> "legit".  To help facilitate this progects such as apt-get and mail
> should be concentrated on first, therefore when the inivitable 
> assault
> begins freenet users and developers will be able to point at all 
> the
> innocent uses it's being put to.  Also site authers should refrain 
> from
> inserting files of legaly dubious nature unless they really do 
> believe
> they have a genuine reason to do so.  After all the lower the 
> content of
> "illegal" stuff is the less reason there will be to take action 
> against
> it.  
> Finally a question related to the above, can isp's some how block
> freenet ie by blocking freenet signals (if this is a silly question
> forgive me but my technical knowledge is limited (I'm still waiting 
> for
> some kind soul to provide all the freenet bits and bobs in .deb 
> format
> so I can apt-get install and play))   
> from
> Patrick
>  ()     ()
> |  |---|  | 
>  ()     ()
> -- 
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