> Thanks. I'm taking a Gillette approach. MFS is free,
so long as UNI ID is
> used, and MFS cant function without a central
authentication authority. So
> they are really 2 symbiotic designs.
> I know that I can register a credit card to a po
box, using a borrowed
> identity, and have email forwarding that loops thru
a dozen ISP's and
> nations. By the time they ID me, the statute of
limitations would have
> expired. Assuming they can get global cooperation in
all the different
> countries.
> One useful fact about Chinese culture is they are
terribly corrupt.

Thanks for the fact - ANUS BREATH. Chinese Culture?!
Fuck you! And fuck you again asshole. That's some
P.R. for your imaginary corporation.

How dare you insult anyone's culture.

> As an emerging country with many people and internal
needs, its quite easy to use
> that corruptness to our advantage. 

Emerging country?

Why don't you show us code instead of stupidity
and nonsense licenses. Get a clue. Nobody is going
to invest in a company if you write the license. A
lawyer will have to do so. So quit with all the
beuracracy you claim to hate and write some code.

>To find smart ideological people working
> for the Chinese government is not too hard. When the
time for our
> confrontation comes, we will win.
 >I also get to deal with the legal issues and
copyright >issues that are
> inherent with caching.
> Oh, this is going to be a fun fun adventure.
> - josh
> PS: The feds and NSA already know me, so I've got it
way easier than the
> competition. (charges were dismissed) :

Yeah sure. Show us the proof. You're hot air.

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