On Wed, 27 Jun 2001 19:32:56 -0400 Seth Johnson
> Folks, read this.  I speak in grave tones a lot of times, but let's 
> be
> very clear, now:
> The end game is upon us.  The apolitical BSD license is now being 
> pitted
> directly against the GPL license, by M$ itself.
> It's so very sly.  Just think about it.  But if we see it right up, 
> we
> *might* be able to counter it.  I don't know:
> http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/dotnet/2001/06/27/dotnet.html
> Ask me what I mean, if you don't see what I'm saying.  I'm pissed 
> and
> anxious as heck about this.
> Seth Johnson

I don't understand why this idea is better than GNU GPL, I mean sure you
can look at the source code, but you can't USE the source code.  You have
to come up with your own unique code, which is really quite difficult in
programming when you are trying to do the same thing.  It would be easier
to use other people's code in your own implementation while giving them
the credit they deserve for their work.

I don't see how this threatens GNU GPL.
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