Was this message sent to the entire Freenet-chat email system?  Or just to me?
And why did someone send this in the first place?  I don't remember writing in order to get this response.
On Fri, 03 Aug 2001 17:35:42 -0700 "**EddieB**" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


Hi and thanks for writing!  I will reply to your mail a.s.a.p.
You've no doubt heard about my FORMER website with AutoResponder Technology so good the FBI shut us down! We knew these systems were great! No wonder we were so excited. Must be great technology if the government is worried  about it enough to shut us down...don't you think??? 
And for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING read all the 'gory' details at http://AutoResponderz.com and take a look at a variety of systems that you can own and control for your business.
You too can now get this same remarkable technology for your website...but better act now before 'they' make it illegal! Visit the folks who wrote the scripts...deal direct...it 
really is criminal at how inexpensive and good this technology is!  
This is the same technology that, until recently, Banks, Insurance companies and the like had developed for 100,000's of 1,000's of dollars.  Find out about the vast power of these Systems in putting putting your product, service, or customer support and management instantly and directly into the hands of your prospects...so good they call it criminal!  
My personal choice for a business such as yours would be the AutoResponderPlus System...at under $100.00 (install not included) this is the perfect web-based, single administrator (you can allow your other associates access though) system with capabilities for unlimited sequential responders and follow-ups for lenders, brokers, escrow people, inspectors and the like. They also have a free downloadable version. I've included a list below of many of it's features or you can just go download the free version here http://www.autoresponseplus.com/link.php?a=ebennett!

If you, on the other hand, you don't feel comfortable with letting your other associates access to the administration panel..."the" Maxsponder (http://www.maxsponder.com/g.o/eddieb ) and Vari-Pro Systems ( http://www.varpro.com/cgi-bin/aff/clickthru.cgi?id=eddieb )

are also available on the site....both are heavy duty, super-strength, MySql, muti-user systems and cost about $550.00-$600.00 totally installed.

Because of my background, education and experience in real-estate, mortgages...and buying mortgage paper...I'm very excited about the use of these systems for professionals such as us. I'm also was heavily involved the technical end so I'm certain this would be the most cost-effective way to go.

I'm sure after reading the benefits of this system below you'll agree.

Please feel free to contact me if you need further help or forward this to friends and associates that you feel may be interested.

Here's a totally cool and now free email program I just love (and I paid for it)...perhaps you could use it too...
Regards and have a great day,
Ed Bennett  
P.S.  If you need adult humor (cause I know I need something to laugh about!)........ Subscribing is always easy Just click here
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=subscribe_Joke_of_the_Day!

Train, Educate, Communicate and Update with



for the system below

  • You can meet all your autoresponder needs with this one piece of powerful software. Here are the main features and benefits of AutoResponse Plus:
  • Create unlimited smart autoresponders on your server. With AutoResponse Plus, the potential for the growth of your website or business isn't limited by the number of autoresponders you can afford from a 3rd party provider.
  • HTML or plain text messages. All of your autoresponse messages can be sent using plain text or beautifully formatted HTML. Your subscriber chooses their preference.
  • Unlimited message length. There's no limit to your creativity: create long sales letters, write stories, articles, courses, tutorials etc. Use your favorite text editor or web page creation software and just copy and paste into AutoResponse Plus.
  • Full personalization of all messages. Substantially increase the impact of your sales letters and follow-ups by personalizing your messages with your subscriber's first name, last name and e-mail address.
  • Ability to track the exact source of all subscriptions. Track exactly where your autorespopnder subscribers are coming from. See how effective each of your marketing campaigns is!
  • FIVE different ways to subscribe to each autoresponder. Web forms, e-mail messages, web links, e-mail links, non-web links. And AutoResponse Plus generates all the link code at the click of a button.
  • Automatic subscription code generator. Just tell the system which autoresponder you want to create a form or link for and it makes the code for you!
  • Multiple custom subscription and unsubscription pages. Keep your site's brand image intact or offer bonuses on your confirmation pages.
  • Extremely powerful filtering system. Allows you to select groups of subscribers to work with.
  • Built-in affiliate program. AutoResponse Plus quietly promotes itself while helping you to build your business. Earn a generous 35% commission per sale.
  • Simple installation with detailed instructions and automated installer program. Get the system up-and-running on your server automatically in no time, or we can do it for you.
  • Full documentation. Printable manual and detailed installation instructions
  • Full, support via user community forums and directly via web/e-mail. You'll always have someone there to help you out if you're struggling. Our support is second to none and our user community forums are friendly, informal and helpful.

That's only the main stuff. There is a ton of other, smaller features, and these are what set AutoResponse Plus apart from the competition. Here's the rest of the impressive feature list:

  • For each follow-up, set an interval in days, send immediately, send on a specific day of the week, send the next time the follow-up scheduler is run
  • Ability to send file attachments (eg PDF's, Word docs, EXE files)
  • Subject line per follow-up message
  • UNIX DBM databases instead of flat text files for speed and reliability
  • Unlimited changes (24 x 7 and as many as you need)
  • Sign up to multiple autoresponders from a single web page based form
  • Separate plain text and HTML headers and footers for each of your autoresponders
  • Default personalization (for example Dear Internet Marketer if your subsctiber's name is not known)
  • Multiple signatures files, all managed centrally
  • My Record (all your own contact data can easily be included in messages and managed in a single location)
  • Single-click unsubscribe link at the end of every message
  • Editable unsubscribe confirmation message by e-mail
  • E-mail forwarding to your inbox for e-mail based subscriptions
  • Include real-time dates in messages
  • Multiple date formats for international variations
  • Create time sensitive offers (e.g. today's date + 10)
  • Extensive subscriber database management (including advanced filtering for working with groups of subscribers)
  • Subscriber importing and exporting in a format compatible with most contact management, database and spreadsheet packages
  • One-off plain text or html e-mail messages (e.g. newsletters, special offers)
  • One-off mailings are queued for automatic sending later -a huge time saver!
  • Two test modes for immediately checking message layout without having to wait for a follow-up sequence to complete
  • Autoresponder "dormant" status (when you want to keep an autoresponder but don't want to accept any subscriptions)
  • Customized "from" name and e-mail address for all your autoresponders
  • Automatic bad e-mail address management automatically manages bounced e-mails and caters for temporary problems at your subscriber's mail server
  • Reserved address list (e-mail addresses you can't use as autoresponder subscription addresses)
  • Ban list (e-mail addresses and servers that can't subscribe to your autoresponders)
  • 3rd party ads (sell ad space in your follow-up messages, eg for newsletters)
  • Your AutoResponse Plus "Powered By..." affiliate link added to all follow-up messages (if that's what you want)
  • At a glance, see a summary of the number of active, finished and cancelled subscribers for any autoresponder
  • Duplicate subscriber filtering
  • Owner can automatically subscribe and unsubscribe people by sending control e-mails to the system - for integrating AutoResponse Plus with other software (eg sales system)
  • Automatically test if the AutoResponse Plus e-mail engine is configured correctly and working. A great time saver!
  • Editable anti-spam message can be easily added to all follow-up messages
  • Automatically test if your server is capturing e-mailed subscription requests correctly. Another great time saver!




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