You are SO RIGHT!  I give up my Freenet-loving ways and it's eeeevvil hypocrisy.  
Copyrights are the only way people will ever make money, and of course the RIAA 
should be allowed to break into anybody's computer and delete anything they see fit.  

> Hello everyone. I'm writing a peer to peer paper for
> school. This assignment has brought me to freenet.
> Luckily our professor has allowed us a lot of leeway
> with this assignment. Some of us are focusing on the
> technologies, others are focusing on the social and
> legal impact of the technologies. I began my paper
> with a purely technical perspective, but after
> studying freenet I've decided to change the focus to
> political. I've spent a lot of time reading your email
> archives.
> I must say, so far the freenet philosophy and some of
> your people appear to be quite pathetic. Your form of
> democracy appears to be anarchy. This group appears to
> be a bunch of closet socialists / communists who hate
> the american dream and any form of authority, yet you
> represent democracy.
> You people actually believe the constitution gives you
> the right to distribute porn and other people's
> software. To quote you: "copyrights are a violation of
> free speech." Yet you only offer a one paragraph
> solution which states that fair use is your ideal
> replacement. To say that copyrights should be
> abolished, then to only specify a 1 paragraph
> replacement, is a prime example of the ignorance of
> this group.
> For a group whose goal is to respect and uphold
> freedom of speech, you appear to actively discriminate
> against those who don't share your twisted views.
> Hipocricy, again. 
> Yet Ian Clarke has started a company with the intent
> to release commercial software. Wait a minute, I
> thought open source was the right way? Another example
> of hypocrisy. 
> What are you going to do when your commercial software
> is posted on freenet or gnutella, and you can't pay
> the salaries of your programmers? 
> This philosophy appears to support the distribution of
> kiddie porn as a form of free speech. Perhaps when you
> teenagers are old enough to have kids, and one of them
> gets raped on camera, the film posted on the internet,
> you will learn what type of reality we live in.
> From what I see, detailed instructions on how to
> hijack airliners or conduct biological warfare is
> protected under your "freedom of speech" philosophy. 
> I have never seen such a glaring example of hypocrisy
> and ignorant idealism in my life, and I can't wait to
> see the courts shut down your warez/porn distribution
> net. 
> Perhaps you all can enlighten me by explaining the
> merits of your three page philosophy to me in detail,
> and please begin by explaining how fair use is the
> ideal replacement.
> Thank you very much.
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