Ok, my first cut at the "watchme" functionality is ready for beta 
testing.  I have done some preliminary testing and all seems to be 
working as-expected.

To use it: 

1) Download a fresh snapshot (you probably won't want to overwrite
   your current Freenet node, the snapshot available as-of this email 
   should work fine)

2) Generate the freenet.conf file as normal.

3) Add a line to your freenet.conf file with "watchme=true"

4) Download a seednodes file from:

NOTE: The normal seednodes file will be useless since watchme nodes 
      won't talk to normal nodes.

5) Export your seeds file - type the following in the "freenet-xxx" 
 $ java -cp lib/freenet.jar:lib/freenet-ext.jar freenet.node.Main -x myRef.ref

6) Send the file myRef.ref to me so that I can add it to the watchme 
   seednodes.ref file

7) Run your node as normal

8) Try to use your node in a similar way that you do normally, but 
   remember that you have no expectation of anonymity whatsoever 
   (although it would still require a-little effort to figure out what 
   you are doing).

Ian Clarke                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Founder & Coordinator, The Freenet Project    http://freenetproject.org/
Chief Technology Officer, Uprizer Inc.           http://www.uprizer.com/
Personal Homepage                                       http://locut.us/

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