>From: Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [freenet-chat] Re: Permanent vs Transient
>Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 19:16:46 -0400
>Aaron Ingebrigtsen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > If I have a transient node, meaning a node that is not on a permanent
> > internet connection,
>There we go with the terminology again.  Please don't use the word
>"transient" to mean something other than "a node that has set
>transient=true in the freenet.conf or freenet.ini file".  Call it
>something else.  "Temporary node" would be my first choice.

Ok, I've got a pretty good idea of what the word "Transient" means in the 
english language, so please don't tell me that it only can possibly mean a 
node that has Transient=True set, or whatever, because that isn't what the 
ENGLISH WORD MEANS!!!  But, in order to clarify everything, I will use the 
words "Temporary node" just to make you guys happy, ok?!

> > then that means that my IP address is constantly
> > changing, yes?
>Not necessarily.  You could simply have an intermittent connection (e.g.,
>dial-up with a static IP, or perhaps you run the node at work but only
>after hours).

Ok, your right about that.  But the point is that the node can't always be 
queried and therefore is not a true Permanent Node.

>The best way to run a permanent, non-transient node if you have a dynamic
>IP address is to register with one of the free dynamic DNS services on
>the Internet.  (Google for them.)  Then use your dyn-dns name instead
>of your IP address when you set up your node.

Yeah, I know that, I use that, I'm just saying that the Project Programers 
should make the program that they distribute ALWAYS contribute to the 
network, whether Permanent, or Temporary.  I didn't say Transient since 
according to you guys a Transient Node can only be a node that never EVER 
handles data requests from any other node, and that isn't what I'm talking 
about here.  I don't want any freaking BUMB nodes.

>This could also be useful.  I don't believe that Freenet currently
>utilizes this approach, but perhaps you could write a patch.... ;-)

I wish I could, but my current programming knowledge and skill is no where 
near good enough to actualy implement this idea myself.  Just because I 
can't write the code doesn't mean my ideas are worthless.  Most of our 
technology developed as a result of an IDEA that someone somewhere had and 
that someone else somewhere else actualy made into reality.  You guys have 
the power to take ideas, either your own, or others, and make them into 
reality.  So please concider my ideas.  I'm not a program creator anywhere 
NEAR as good as any of the people creating stuff for this project.  My 
knowledge is limited to BASIC/QBASIC and DOS scripting.  When I say DOS 
scripting I mean BATCH files that use various DOS commands and BATCH only 
functions to do repetitive tasks or create interactive menus and stuff.  I 
can't code worth a darn in C or C++ or JAVA or any other current language.

In other words, my contribution to this project in the form of ideas is a 
FREE GIFT to you guys.  I can't do any of this stuff myself, so I hope you 
guys can figure out all the hard codeing problems involved in makeing my 
ideas into reality and just give a little credit for the SEED IDEA that just 
happened to pop out of my silly brain, Ok?  Thank you.

I still believe that Freenet is a very good example of how a Gift Economy 
can work, and work well.  I believe very strongly that a Gift Economy can 
work really well no matter what the circumstances, as long as there is a way 
to eliminate the control of Information on at least one communications 
medium.  I believe that as long as Freenet exists, and as long as everyone 
has access to machines that can use Freenet, we can maintain all of our 
freedoms or fight to gain it back.


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