"Hope this helps."

yes, that was a great description.  very cool.



David Allen wrote:

>>I was wondering a little bit about activelinks.  they are proported to
>>encourage the continued propagation of free sites, but I dont see how
>>the do anything but encourage the propagation of the activelinks
>>themselves.  as i understand it, each of the keys that comprise a
>>freesite will have wildly different domains, so propagating one key
>>should have no bearing on the other keys in the same freesite.  do they
>>actually do what TFE claims they do, and how?
>Well, I don't know exactly what TFE has in mind when those claims were made,
>Whenever you have an SSK with a double slash "//" in it, that refers to
>a mapfile.  These activelinks generally look something like:
>In order to fetch activelink.jpg, you first have to fetch the mapfile.
>In order to fetch the mapfile, you might need to grab a DBR redirect
>first.  The mapfile of course is the master index that lists all of the
>files that the site provides and how to get them.
>By downloading the activelink, you ARE spreading the DBR redirect and
>the mapfile for the freesite on which the activelink resides.  That's
>why people link activelinks directly to other people's SSKs rather than
>saving the activelink, and inserting it under their own SSK - certainly
>that would work, but it wouldn't spread the other site's mapfile.
>So this doesn't help you fetch the front page of the site, but it spreads
>data that is vital to the site's ability to be seen by others, namely
>the mapfile.  Also, *generally* (not always) if you can fetch the activelink
>that means that rest of the site will be fetchable.  If it's not fetchable,
>it often means the rest of the site wasn't inserted at all (in the case of
>editions not yet published) or misinserted.
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