The link is forbidden, and
 the whole WIKI site is world editable ...

If this is their mean competence about privacy & security...

.... good grief ....

On Sat, 2004-06-26 at 15:44, Sonax wrote:
> Hi all
> Some of you might be happy to hear that iip is back online.
> Look here:
> or
> [EMAIL PROTECTED],JD2L-DGN~nAZTqVI2PCIkg/iiprevival/6//
> (SSK at REMsW1qIViD71EovZVsZPy5mZUoPAgM,JD2L-DGN~nAZTqVI2PCIkg/iiprevival/6//)
> Have fun!

+     il  Progetto Freenet - segui il coniglio bianco        +
*     the Freenet  Project - follow the  white rabbit        *
*   Marco A. Calamari    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    *
*     PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698       *
+ DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B +

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