On Mon, Aug 23, 2004 at 07:23:05PM -0400, Nick Tarleton wrote:
> On Monday 23 August 2004 04:05 pm, Ian Clarke wrote:
> > On 23 Aug 2004, at 19:16, Nick Tarleton wrote:
> > > I'm contemplating writing a FUQID-like program for Linux/KDE, and I'd
> > > like to know a couple of answers first:
> > >
> > > 1. Is there ANY CHANCE AT ALL that I could get in legal trouble, under
> > > current US law, for creating and publishing a Freenet client?
> >
> > In short "yes", just as the answer to "Is there ANY CHANCE AT ALL that
> > I could get struck by lightening?" would also be "yes".  Could you get
> > sued?  Yes.  Could they win the suit?  Maybe, but the recent 9th
> > Circuit Court ruling in the Grokster case makes this less likely.
> >
> > The best advice I can give is to read this:
> >
> >    http://www.eff.org/IP/P2P/p2p_copyright_wp.php
> Uh, never mind. It seems I would have no plausible deniability, as everyone 
> knows a lot (most?) of the large file traffic on Freenet is in violation of 
> copyright. Even if this would never hold up in court, I don't want to risk 
> even getting a lawsuit threat/C&D letter.

Everyone knows most of the files shared by Grokster users were illegal.
Right? But they won the case! So the situation is clearly not that simple.
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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