"The logic is sound, the apparent benefit even desirable."
Agreed. Well, what you know? We agree on something! (namely, that I am right ;-p )

"I would hesitate before adding code to Freenet that specifically addresses
certain kinds of behavior. "
Agreed. Hesitate, as look at it closer and not rush into it. But the basics is sound. What's more, it doesn't has to be Freenet itself that gets reworked, it can as well be portrayed as a 'third party tool', which would leave Freenet cosy GPL'ed and all that.
"When someone asks me why I work on Freenet, I
explain the importance of free information. This is in fact one of
Freenet's stated goals; free information by protecting both publishers and
consumers of information."
Indeed, and to keep that information as free as possible, we need to make sure it stays that way. It is a bit like the eternal BSD vs. GPL discussions. In essence, I must agree with the BSD-guys: on itself, BSD IS more free. Yet, I prefer GPL in that context, even when it has additional restrictions the BSD lacks. Why? Because it makes it more sure that it *remains* free.

"Building a module that specifically targets efforts by the RIAA, DOJ, etc.
are all categorically *bad*."
It doesn't target them specifically, and I disagree it's 'categorically bad'. Every government or person could ask the same thing as Mr.Riaa would do. Seen the purpose of Freenet of uncensorability and anonymity...well...that would greately defeat it's purpose, at least on an individuals' perspective...now, THAT would be bad.
" And even if according to the legalese we have
some protection under the DMCA, the courts could certainly interpret the
law differently putting us and the entire project in a shitcan of trouble.
I can only speak for what it's like in the US since I've lived here my
whole life, which is to say that the laws are all grey, and final judgement
is reserved for the courts, which for better & for worse is how our system
Yes, that's how the system works, but I disagree with your first sentence. The courts have already ruled that circumventing encryption is illegal under the DMCA. Laws are, generally speaking, not tailored only to the benefit of one group, so if it counts for them, it counts for us, and vice versa. Ofcourse, the courts 'could' always interpret it differently, but I think, for the reasons given, it's unlikely and certainly there is no reason to suspect they would not agree with the DMCA, because it's Freenet, and not Mr.Riaa.

"I'd also mention that using Freenet shouldn't automatically be included with
"uploading warez". "
"I've been using Freenet on and off for 2 years now, and
spend most of my time on Frost and coding FCPTools. I myself am not using
Freenet to break our current intellectual property laws, so why should I
install this anti-riaa module if my actions are legal?"
Jay, you should know better then most others why. Freent *works* that way. You can not control what comes in your datastore, as you well know. Hence, whether *you* personnally asked for illegal stuff is irrelevant, you could still have copyrighted material in your store. Hence, Mr.Riaa could demand that you remove the chks that constitute the illegal material, just as he already does now, on the Net, of ISPs. Are you prepared to search for, and delete all chks Mr.Riaa asks you to? Don't forget, under US law (where you always lived), that would make you eligable to be convicted.

"Even putting all this aside, this "feature" is like adding scroll-wheel
support for XWindow before the GUI code works. If it's something of real
value then it belongs on the TODO list for the future until the other more
real issues are addressed."
Agreed, I said so myself to toad. There are currently more pressing issues, and the problem I describe will probably not become practise untill Freenet gets majorily used. Nevertheless, it is something that we should keep an eye on, and deal with it in the spirit of 'better safe then sorry'.
So, yes, it's not for now, but it certainly should be looked at when Freent becomes more widely used.
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