As some of us have already discussed on IIP, the question becomes urgent
what to do for the near future. As the donationpage shows, we are in need
for some extra financial input, and thus we should contemplate on the how to
do this best.

Now, I've said before that we're long overdue for the 0.6, but still, it's
also true that currently, it isn't much better performing (as a whole) then
the 0.5 version of the past year. Many changes have been made, but no real
progress (from the viewpoint of a newbie user) has come out of it, as yet.

Now, with the simulations, I feel we have a tool that could finally help us
in a way that surpasses the haphazard way untill now, and hopefully that
will be even more stimualted with a testnetwork, in the not-to-distant
future. I have reasonable hope, thus, that, with further improvements such
as the small-chunks and the tools to check performance, we might actually go
forward rather quickly, compared to the past year(s). It therefor begs the
question, whether it would not be wise to wait a bit longer still, untill we
really have something that is noticable better.

This all depends on whether we can afford it, and here again, a suggestion
of toad(?) gives us an alternative. apart from being useful tools for the
development process, the graphs made, are also very interesting and visually
appealing. It is therefor suggested, and IMHO a good idea, to use these
graphs, and the simulator, as a slashdot-article. If we made a nice page
with graphs and some summary explanation, and we offer the simulator for
d/l, preferably with a howto so ppl can easily try it out, I think this will
cause enough attraction to give us some additional flux in regard to
interest and finances.

The financial and other gains would be substantial and form a very nice
in-between untill the 0.6 version is ready, and it wouldn't cost us all that
much in time and effort, in comparison.

So, I would agree with this option, make something (page?) interesting
of/with the graphs, make the simulator a bit more user-friendly, and clean
up some bugs on the current stable build, but nothing too vast...and bring
it on slashdot as soon as possible.

Once we've gained some financial leeway and the pressure is in that regard
has diminuished, we can continue with the 0.6 full speed. Maybe, in a few
months, we can then bring out a 0.6 that IS, indeed, better then any current
0.5 build!

My two euros

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