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Most American Conservatives generally don't like the entertainment industry or the legal industry, so this isn't all that surprising, since Induce helps both.


On 24 Sep 2004, at 14:52, Toad wrote:

Cool, they did something useful ;). Seriously, adverts in the mainstream
press is great. I bet Bush is pro-induce though. There are freedom cons
and bigbiz cons, just like here there are smallbiz cons and bigbiz
cons... right? Hey this is the CHAT list!! :)

On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 07:44:54AM +0100, Ian Clarke wrote:
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This can only be a good thing, the American Conservative Union is going
to run ads which oppose the Induce Act. The ad is linked at the bottom
of the press release, and it is a pretty succinct summary of why the
Induce Act is so wrong.

Go Republicans! :-)

From: http://conservative.org/pressroom/040920.asp :

Criminal Penalties Suggested in S. 2560 are Anti-Consumer and Set
Dangerous Precedent, Says ACU

ACU Launches Campaign to Oppose S. 2650: Inducing Infringement of
Copyrights Act

ALEXANDRIA, VA ??? Third parties should not be held legally liable for
the criminal acts of others solely to appease Hollywood millionaires
and their trial attorney friends, the American Conservative Union said
today in announcing a major advertising campaign opposing S. 2650 the
"Inducing Infringement of Copyrights Act of 2004."

"This misguided legislation would hold manufacturers of computers,
software and other technologies criminally liable if their legal
products were misused to reproduce copyrighted material," ACU Executive
Director Richard Lessner said announcing the organization's ad

"It is a basic foundation of American jurisprudence, recognized in the
Supreme Court's landmark Sony Betamax decision, that those who actually
violate copyrights should be held criminally responsible, not those who
manufactured the computer, VCR, copy machine, or computer software used
to infringe. S. 2650 is tantamount to holding gun makers liable for the
acts of armed criminals, or automakers responsible for drunk drivers."

While the protection of intellectual property rights is an important
issue, Lessner said, and the infringement of copyrights is a serious
problem, S. 2650 is an overly broad remedy. It would penalize
technology producers for "inducing" others to act criminally. The
bill's standard of inducement, however, is so subjective that it would
chill technological innovation, severely restrict consumer choice in
the marketplace, and create a whole new class of lawsuits for predatory
trial attorneys.

"Unfortunately, this misguided legislation's chief sponsor is Sen.
Orrin Hatch, a Republican who should know better," Lessner said. "ACU
is launching a major advertising campaign to educate the public and
Republicans in Congress about the dangerous nature of this
trial-attorney boondoggle.

"An important principle is at stake here. If this bill were to become
law, it would set a precedent for holding innocent Americans liable for
indirectly 'inducing' criminal acts in others. The implications are

ACU's campaign launches today with an advertisement in The Weekly
Standard. The ad also will appear in The Wall Street Journal, The
Washington Times, National Review, Human Events, and selected web

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