On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 11:07:02 +0100, "Alex R. Mosteo"

> Conrad J. Sabatier wrote:
> > Just finished building and installing the Sun Java 1.5.0 kit on my
> > Athlon (32-bit) box.  Finally catching up with the rest of you
> > folks. :-)
> > 
> > Unfortunately, we're still seeing some build problems for amd64
> > under FreeBSD.  :-(  But the problems have been reported and are
> > being worked on.  Shouldn't be long before I have a full 64-bit Java
> > up and running.  I can hardly wait!
> > 
> > Too early to tell what sort of difference this new version will
> > make, but nonetheless, I'm very happy to finally be up to date.
> A difference is that FIW no longer works :P

Uh-oh!  Not good!

Do you mean it just plain flat-out won't work, or that it won't compile?
I've already tried the latter, and found that its use of "enum" as an
identifier causes the compile to fail.

> > Somebody congratulate me.  :-)
> Congratulations ;)

Thanks.  But if fiw won't work at all under 1.5, it looks like I'll have
to revert to 1.4.2 for now.  :-(  We'll see.

Conrad J. Sabatier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- "In Unix veritas"
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