You may have heard of the UK's "Internet Watch Foundation", a jolly UK
ISP industry group that operates "Cleanfeed". This is a UK internet
censorship system that blocks arbitrary sites at ISP level by returning
fake errors (404 etc), much like China's great firewall. Their blocking
database is secret; it's unobtainable unless you're an ISP and pay to
subscribe to them, which requires signing a legally binding NDA. Major
UK ISPs such as BT and NTL use Cleanfeed. As a private industry group
they are essentially unaccountable.

They claim that their database is for blocking "child abuse websites"
only :

However, it appears they have now blocked's "/b/ - Random"
imageboard :
It must be admitted that /b/ is psuedononymous, anarchic and populated
mostly by stupid memes, trolling and deliberately tasteless / offensive
content. In many ways /b/ is a giant deliberately stupid in-joke not
meant to be taken seriously, aside from an occassional thread where
people use /b/'s anonymity to ask questions about private matters they
feel they cannot discuss elsewhere.

In any case, /b/ is most definetely a legitimate and legal forum which
has been running for years, is moderated, and is in full compliance
with United States law since that's where it's hosted.
(4chan itself is essentially a western clone of the Japanese /, amongst the most popular sites in Japan. 4chan is therefore
very well known by anime fans etc.)

It seems that the IWF have blocked /b/ on the basis that it is a child
porn site. This is clearly not the case. Yes, *very occasionally* some
moron posts CP  on /b/ ... which typically lasts about 30 seconds
before it's deleted and they're permabanned. 4chan is no different from
any other public forum which allows image posting in this regard, it
does not condone such activity and obviously if there was any evidence
that it did the US authorities would shut it down instantly.

At present the blocking, which is being done by URL, is not very well
implemented and there are ways around it. Furthermore not all UK ISPs
use Cleanfeed ... yet. However, I hope you will agree that it is very
worrying that legitimate internet forums appear to be being censored in
the UK secretly and pretty much unaccountably *right now*. I have to
wonder how long it will be before our authoritarian government decides
we should "standardise" on this "industry best-practice" for its own

Further references :  <-- some BT users redirected here

I suppose all this at least serves as inspiration to continue work on
freenet :(


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