J> Hey guys, I've got an off topic question for ya.
J> Is it possible to remove our email addresses from the email archives?
J> I know that I started getting spam when I first posted on this list, because
J> it was the first list I've ever joined (haven't been online since
J> compuserve), and the spam started after that.
J> When I search for my email address on the net, the archived messages come
J> up, and I'm certain that's how my addresses are getting into the spam.
J> I'm also switching ISPs so I can get some anti spam features, but I figure
J> this probably affects all of us, not just me.

Hey, what would the internet be if we weren't always getting inundated
with "grow your penis to 19inches" and "This really worked for me, make
$2.5m by this time next week" and "Find out who your neighbour's
screwing" and "Help - nigerian govt officials need to stash
$3million" etc etc

Email would get awfully quiet!

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