krepta at wrote:

> > i want to (re) connect to the freenet network. However the default
> > seed.ref does not seem to work. can anyone please
> Couldn't you just delete your freenet node and install a fresh one?  By
> the way, the IRC server is  Default port number.

No, that does not seem to work. i got a daily snapshot of 14 dec
2001(windows 2000, .exe) and it seems not to find any other node. Ont the
other hand it gives in the log file

10-jan-02 22:31:57 (Freenet.session.FnpLink, Non-pooled connection thread:
tcp/ Authentication I/O failure: Socket write failed Socket write failed

I think i need a newer freenet, but getting the jar files from the latest
tgz give me
13-jan-02 20:39:05 (Freenet.node.Main, main): Failed to load service:
Freenet.interfaces.ServiceException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

I need to investigate more. I will try to recompile java myself (I
downlaoded 40 Meg 1.3 sun SDK at work(And one from IBM as well) and looking
into how this works right now. I have no experience with java, but the
syntax looks very much like C++

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