Wow, maybe I can manage a connection to the IRC after all. :)

So instead of typing /msg nickserv ghost [name] [password] in order to
kill my user name I would type MSG NICKSERV GHOST [NAME] [PASSWORD]?  In
other words, no / before the command and all caps for all IRC commands,

On Fri, 8 Mar 2002 01:18:08 -0600 Mark J Roberts <mjr at> writes:
> krepta at
> > RFC?  I don't remember what it is or where it is.  Are you sure I 
> can
> > telnet to
> It's an official document that describes the IRC protocol. You can
> find it with any search engine.
> Telnet is a pretty strange way to use IRC, because you have to send
> commands directly to the server. But it's possible (the commands
> I've sent - USER, NICK, JOIN, PRIVMSG, QUIT - are in all caps, and
> replies from the server are prefixed by a colon):
> $ telnet 6667
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
> NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname, welcome back
> NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking ident
> NOTICE AUTH :*** No identd (auth) response
> USER a b c d
> NICK mjr|telnet
> 001 mjr|telnet :Welcome to the Internet Relay 
> Network mjr|telnet
> 002 mjr|telnet :Your host is 
>[], running 
> version dancer-ircd-1.0.31
> NOTICE mjr|telnet :*** Your host is 
>[], running 
> version dancer-ircd-1.0.31
> 003 mjr|telnet :This server was cobbled 
> together Sat Dec 15 22:45:06 UTC 2001
> 004 mjr|telnet 
> dancer-ircd-1.0.31 
> abBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIkKlLmMnNopPrRsSUvVwWxXyYzZ0123459*@ 
> bcdefFhiIklmnoPqstv
> 251 mjr|telnet :There are 2412 victims and 
> 2708 hiding on 25 servers
> 252 mjr|telnet 34 :flagged staff members
> 254 mjr|telnet 2224 :channels formed
> 255 mjr|telnet :I have 970 clients and 0 
> servers
> 265 mjr|telnet :Current local  users: 970  
> Max: 2641
> 266 mjr|telnet :Current global users: 5120  
> Max: 8575
> 250 mjr|telnet :Highest connection count: 
> 1331 (1330 clients) (15812 since server was (re)started)
> 375 mjr|telnet :- 
> Message of the Day -
> 372 mjr|telnet :- Welcome to Open Projects 
> Net, New Jersey, US!  Thanks to vluther
> 372 mjr|telnet :- and 
> ( for sponsoring
> 372 mjr|telnet :- this server.
> 372 mjr|telnet :-
> 372 mjr|telnet :- ZAHN, TIMOTHY [1951-].  
> Timothy Zahn, born in Chicago, Illinois,
> 372 mjr|telnet :- US, received his B.S. and 
> M.S. in physics from University of Michigan
> 372 mjr|telnet :- (1973) and University of 
> Illinois (1975).  He sold his first
> 372 mjr|telnet :- story, to Analog, in 1978.  
> He began earning a living from
> 372 mjr|telnet :- writing in 1984.  He is 
> known for his trilogy of Thrawn Star Wars
> 372 mjr|telnet :- novels and won a Hugo award 
> for his novella Cascade Point in
> 372 mjr|telnet :- 1984.
> 372 mjr|telnet :-
> 372 mjr|telnet :- Open Projects Net is a 
> special-purpose network which exists to
> 372 mjr|telnet :- provide facilities to 
> communities involved with free and open
> 372 mjr|telnet :- source software and similar 
> pursuits, as well as to encourage an
> 372 mjr|telnet :- environment in which 
> community members can improve their
> 372 mjr|telnet :- communication and 
> coordination skills, for the betterment of all
> 372 mjr|telnet :- and in the public good.
> 372 mjr|telnet :-
> 372 mjr|telnet :- Illegal activities, warez, 
> porn, noticeably heavy mp3 trading,
> 372 mjr|telnet :- hax0r activity and various 
> types of antisocial behavior are all
> 372 mjr|telnet :- off-topic on Open Projects 
> Net and may result in your being barred
> 372 mjr|telnet :- from access. Please respect 
> our rules.
> 372 mjr|telnet :-
> 372 mjr|telnet :- OPN cannot guarantee access 
> to users whose IRC clients run on
> 372 mjr|telnet :- hosts with open proxies, 
> IIS servers or other categories of
> 372 mjr|telnet :- software determined to 
> present special risk to our server
> 372 mjr|telnet :- environment. We reserve the 
> right to use automation to attempt to
> 372 mjr|telnet :- detect such software on 
> your host, as you connect to our servers
> 372 mjr|telnet :- and while you remain 
> connected to OPN. Your use of the network
> 372 mjr|telnet :- signifies your acceptance 
> of this and other network policies
> 372 mjr|telnet :- 
> (
> 372 mjr|telnet :-
> 372 mjr|telnet :- For more information on 
> OPN, stop by .
> 372 mjr|telnet :- If you need assistance, 
> please join #openprojects, or email
> 372 mjr|telnet :- support at  
> Thank you for using the network!
> 372 mjr|telnet :-
> 376 mjr|telnet :End of /MOTD command.
> JOIN #freenet
> :mjr|telnet!~a at JOIN 
> :#freenet
> 332 mjr|telnet #freenet :hawk lives! | brave 
> and conscientious freenetizens, answer the call!  distribute seed 
> nodes on your own web sites..  |  ask alice for seeds
> 333 mjr|telnet #freenet greycat 1015460107
> 353 mjr|telnet = #freenet :mjr|telnet @sanity 
> Krepta3k pupok nym xena alice anarchy scipient thelema yobi tsiar 
> tav mjr aloril M|D mids guruz jaxom matts nada proxima Zygo lorien
> 366 mjr|telnet #freenet :End of /NAMES list.
> :ChanServ!ChanServ at services. NOTICE mjr|telnet :[#freenet] This is 
> the FreeNet channel (
> PRIVMSG #freenet :this is some text said to the channel.
> QUIT :quit message
> _______________________________________________
> Chat mailing list
> Chat at

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