On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 02:34:40AM +1300, David McNab wrote:
> Re-code the whole fucking thing in C or C++ !!!

You seriously believe that writing software in C++ is faster than 
writing software in Java?  I have never met anyone equally familiar with 
both C++ and Java who would agree with you.  The simple fact that you 
don't need to worry about bounds-checking in Java alone gets rid of a 
significant percentage of bugs which plague C++ software.

> And clean up the design in the process.

What is wrong with the design?  Sure, it isn't perfect, but I am curious 
as to what specific suggestions you have (you obviously have some if you 
are implying that there are serious flaws in the current design).


Ian Clarke                                        ian at freenetproject.org
Founder & Coordinator, The Freenet Project    http://freenetproject.org/
Chief Technology Officer, Uprizer Inc.           http://www.uprizer.com/
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