I might be wrong, but doesn't show 
only the keys in the routing table (those keys that have node references 
associated with them) and not all the keys in the datastore?  I believe it 
is normal (and beneficial) for node references to be removed from keys 
under certain conditions.


At 10:42 PM 03/09/2002 -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
>Someone please look at <http://wooledge.org/~greg/nodekeys.html> and
>tell me what causes that behavior.  As far as I can determine, either:
>  a) Keys are vanishing from the data store with no rhyme or reason; or
>  b) the number of keys in the data store reported by
>     <> is wrong; or
>  c) both.
>Given the amount of trouble Freenet has been seeing, I'm inclined to
>suspect a) or c).
>If anyone wants detailed stats on any particular interval, just let
>me know.  Those graphs are tracking the keys in a node with a 1 GB
>data store, so it's not like I'm running out of space to hold them.
>They dropped from over 600 down to *TWELVE*!  This is nuts!
>(Every time I post that URL in IRC, people get *very* quiet.  So I'm
>going to try the mailing list.)
>Greg Wooledge                  |   "Truth belongs to everybody."
>greg at wooledge.org              |    - The Red Hot Chili Peppers
>http://wooledge.org/~greg/     |

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