I just learned about a week or two ago that in the USA, my home country, 
sending data that is encrypted with any more than 40-bit encryption, or 
something like that, to anyone outside of the USA, if you are a private 
citizen, is a TREASONABLE offense.  And of course TREASON is punishable by 
Life in prison or DEATH!!!  WTF?!  So, since the US government wants to be 
able to crack open and look at ANYTHING ANYONE is sending to or from the US, 
they don't want any form of Anonymity to exist between me and anyone in any 
other country.  This is a major threat to Freenet, and Freedom as a whole.

It may not be possible for them to trace down individual pieces of data, 
but, if the government believes that Freenet is able to circumvent their 
Security Measures, they will hunt down Freenet nodes and thier owners and 
try the owners as whatever the hell they want.  They could try people as 
Traitors, Terrorists, Rapists, whatever.  As long as they can prove that 
Freenet posses a Security Risk for the USA, they will destroy any Freenet 
Node owners they can get their hands on.

Please, somebody, tell me this isn't true!  Convince me that these facts 
won't scare the CRAP out of most people enough to convince them to NEVER use 
Freenet.  Tell me the propoganda machine over here won't go into high gear 
and churn out as much anti-Freenet stuff as they can possibly come up with?!


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