> Asymetric network connection (2.5Mbit down/1Mbit up, dedicated IP)
> Linux or WindowsXP Pro
> 1 ~1GHz CPU
> 400Watt power supply and UPS
> 10/100 Ethernet Card
> ~100GB hard drive
> Cheap monitor/video card (no sound)
> Firewire or USB2.0 card (for adding more storage)

I think this is much more than enough hardware wise.  In terms of disk space
you use for freenet, feel free to allocate as much as you want to freenet,
but given the way the network has been performing recently, I really don't
see a point in giving freenet more than say 1 or 2 GB max, because you may
be hard pressed to fill that much up.  That said, I really doubt that it
would *hurt* to give your freenet node 40GB.  :)

I think that fred is primarily limited by memory and network bandwidth.  I
haven't seen that the nodes are very CPU intensive, but they do take up a
bit of memory and can cannibilize your network connection as you've seen.

Go ahead and run a node on that machine - I'm sure it can take it.

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