Changeset: fba1ec556ba1 for MonetDB
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Approve corresponding test

diffs (truncated from 537 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/MAL-signatures.stable.out
@@ -39738,7 +39738,7 @@ command json.keys(val:json):bat[:oid,:st
 address JSONkeyTable;
 comment Expands the outermost JSON object names.
-command json.keyarray(val:json):str 
+command json.keyarray(val:json):json 
 address JSONkeyArray;
 comment Expands the outermost JSON object keys into a JSON array.
@@ -39843,7 +39843,7 @@ command json.values(val:json):bat[:oid,:
 address JSONvalueTable;
 comment Expands the outermost JSON values.
-command json.valuearray(val:json):str 
+command json.valuearray(val:json):json 
 address JSONvalueArray;
 comment Expands the outermost JSON object values into a JSON array.
diff --git a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out 
--- a/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out
+++ b/clients/Tests/SQL-dump.stable.out
@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ CREATE TABLE "sys"."_columns" (
        "number"      INTEGER,
        "storage"     VARCHAR(2048)
-COPY 421 RECORDS INTO "sys"."_columns" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS 
+COPY 419 RECORDS INTO "sys"."_columns" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS 
 2002   "id"    "int"   32      0       2001    NULL    true    0       NULL
 2003   "name"  "varchar"       1024    0       2001    NULL    true    1       
 2004   "authorization" "int"   32      0       2001    NULL    true    2       
@@ -1849,79 +1849,77 @@ 5694    "progress"      "int"   32      0       5698    
NULL    tru
 5695   "status"        "clob"  0       0       5698    NULL    true    5       
 5696   "tag"   "oid"   63      0       5698    NULL    true    6       NULL
 5697   "query" "clob"  0       0       5698    NULL    true    7       NULL
-6267   "nme"   "json"  0       0       6266    NULL    true    0       NULL
-6273   "val"   "json"  0       0       6272    NULL    true    0       NULL
-6295   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6294    NULL    true    0       
-6296   "table" "clob"  0       0       6294    NULL    true    1       NULL
-6297   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6294    NULL    true    2       
-6298   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6294    NULL    true    3       NULL
-6299   "location"      "clob"  0       0       6294    NULL    true    4       
-6300   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6294    NULL    true    5       
-6301   "typewidth"     "int"   32      0       6294    NULL    true    6       
-6302   "columnsize"    "bigint"        64      0       6294    NULL    true    
7       NULL
-6303   "heapsize"      "bigint"        64      0       6294    NULL    true    
8       NULL
-6304   "indices"       "bigint"        64      0       6294    NULL    true    
9       NULL
-6305   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6294    NULL    true    
10      NULL
-6310   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6321    NULL    true    0       
-6311   "table" "clob"  0       0       6321    NULL    true    1       NULL
-6312   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6321    NULL    true    2       
-6313   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6321    NULL    true    3       NULL
-6314   "location"      "clob"  0       0       6321    NULL    true    4       
-6315   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6321    NULL    true    5       
-6316   "typewidth"     "int"   32      0       6321    NULL    true    6       
-6317   "columnsize"    "bigint"        64      0       6321    NULL    true    
7       NULL
-6318   "heapsize"      "bigint"        64      0       6321    NULL    true    
8       NULL
-6319   "indices"       "bigint"        64      0       6321    NULL    true    
9       NULL
-6320   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6321    NULL    true    
10      NULL
-6323   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6333    NULL    true    0       
-6324   "table" "clob"  0       0       6333    NULL    true    1       NULL
-6325   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6333    NULL    true    2       
-6326   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6333    NULL    true    3       NULL
-6327   "typewidth"     "int"   32      0       6333    NULL    true    4       
-6328   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6333    NULL    true    5       
-6329   "distinct"      "bigint"        64      0       6333    NULL    true    
6       NULL
-6330   "atomwidth"     "int"   32      0       6333    NULL    true    7       
-6331   "reference"     "boolean"       1       0       6333    NULL    true    
8       NULL
-6332   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6333    NULL    true    
9       NULL
-6354   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6353    NULL    true    0       
-6355   "table" "clob"  0       0       6353    NULL    true    1       NULL
-6356   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6353    NULL    true    2       
-6357   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6353    NULL    true    3       NULL
-6358   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6353    NULL    true    4       
-6359   "columnsize"    "bigint"        64      0       6353    NULL    true    
5       NULL
-6360   "heapsize"      "bigint"        64      0       6353    NULL    true    
6       NULL
-6361   "indices"       "bigint"        64      0       6353    NULL    true    
7       NULL
-6362   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6353    NULL    true    
8       NULL
-6367   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6376    NULL    true    0       
-6368   "table" "clob"  0       0       6376    NULL    true    1       NULL
-6369   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6376    NULL    true    2       
-6370   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6376    NULL    true    3       NULL
-6371   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6376    NULL    true    4       
-6372   "columnsize"    "bigint"        64      0       6376    NULL    true    
5       NULL
-6373   "heapsize"      "bigint"        64      0       6376    NULL    true    
6       NULL
-6374   "indices"       "bigint"        64      0       6376    NULL    true    
7       NULL
-6375   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6376    NULL    true    
8       NULL
-6378   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6385    NULL    true    0       
-6379   "table" "clob"  0       0       6385    NULL    true    1       NULL
-6380   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6385    NULL    true    2       
-6381   "columnsize"    "bigint"        64      0       6385    NULL    true    
3       NULL
-6382   "heapsize"      "bigint"        64      0       6385    NULL    true    
4       NULL
-6383   "indices"       "bigint"        64      0       6385    NULL    true    
5       NULL
-6384   "auxillary"     "bigint"        53      0       6385    NULL    true    
6       NULL
-6387   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6400    NULL    true    0       
-6388   "table" "clob"  0       0       6400    NULL    true    1       NULL
-6389   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6400    NULL    true    2       
-6390   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6400    NULL    true    3       NULL
-6391   "width" "int"   32      0       6400    NULL    true    4       NULL
-6392   "stamp" "timestamp"     7       0       6400    NULL    true    5       
-6393   "sample"        "bigint"        64      0       6400    NULL    true    
6       NULL
-6394   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6400    NULL    true    7       
-6395   "unique"        "bigint"        64      0       6400    NULL    true    
8       NULL
-6396   "nils"  "bigint"        64      0       6400    NULL    true    9       
-6397   "minval"        "clob"  0       0       6400    NULL    true    10      
-6398   "maxval"        "clob"  0       0       6400    NULL    true    11      
-6399   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6400    NULL    true    
12      NULL
-6453   "function_id"   "int"   32      0       6454    NULL    true    0       
+6291   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6290    NULL    true    0       
+6292   "table" "clob"  0       0       6290    NULL    true    1       NULL
+6293   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6290    NULL    true    2       
+6294   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6290    NULL    true    3       NULL
+6295   "location"      "clob"  0       0       6290    NULL    true    4       
+6296   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6290    NULL    true    5       
+6297   "typewidth"     "int"   32      0       6290    NULL    true    6       
+6298   "columnsize"    "bigint"        64      0       6290    NULL    true    
7       NULL
+6299   "heapsize"      "bigint"        64      0       6290    NULL    true    
8       NULL
+6300   "indices"       "bigint"        64      0       6290    NULL    true    
9       NULL
+6301   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6290    NULL    true    
10      NULL
+6306   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6317    NULL    true    0       
+6307   "table" "clob"  0       0       6317    NULL    true    1       NULL
+6308   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6317    NULL    true    2       
+6309   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6317    NULL    true    3       NULL
+6310   "location"      "clob"  0       0       6317    NULL    true    4       
+6311   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6317    NULL    true    5       
+6312   "typewidth"     "int"   32      0       6317    NULL    true    6       
+6313   "columnsize"    "bigint"        64      0       6317    NULL    true    
7       NULL
+6314   "heapsize"      "bigint"        64      0       6317    NULL    true    
8       NULL
+6315   "indices"       "bigint"        64      0       6317    NULL    true    
9       NULL
+6316   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6317    NULL    true    
10      NULL
+6319   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6329    NULL    true    0       
+6320   "table" "clob"  0       0       6329    NULL    true    1       NULL
+6321   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6329    NULL    true    2       
+6322   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6329    NULL    true    3       NULL
+6323   "typewidth"     "int"   32      0       6329    NULL    true    4       
+6324   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6329    NULL    true    5       
+6325   "distinct"      "bigint"        64      0       6329    NULL    true    
6       NULL
+6326   "atomwidth"     "int"   32      0       6329    NULL    true    7       
+6327   "reference"     "boolean"       1       0       6329    NULL    true    
8       NULL
+6328   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6329    NULL    true    
9       NULL
+6350   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6349    NULL    true    0       
+6351   "table" "clob"  0       0       6349    NULL    true    1       NULL
+6352   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6349    NULL    true    2       
+6353   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6349    NULL    true    3       NULL
+6354   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6349    NULL    true    4       
+6355   "columnsize"    "bigint"        64      0       6349    NULL    true    
5       NULL
+6356   "heapsize"      "bigint"        64      0       6349    NULL    true    
6       NULL
+6357   "indices"       "bigint"        64      0       6349    NULL    true    
7       NULL
+6358   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6349    NULL    true    
8       NULL
+6363   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6372    NULL    true    0       
+6364   "table" "clob"  0       0       6372    NULL    true    1       NULL
+6365   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6372    NULL    true    2       
+6366   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6372    NULL    true    3       NULL
+6367   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6372    NULL    true    4       
+6368   "columnsize"    "bigint"        64      0       6372    NULL    true    
5       NULL
+6369   "heapsize"      "bigint"        64      0       6372    NULL    true    
6       NULL
+6370   "indices"       "bigint"        64      0       6372    NULL    true    
7       NULL
+6371   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6372    NULL    true    
8       NULL
+6374   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6381    NULL    true    0       
+6375   "table" "clob"  0       0       6381    NULL    true    1       NULL
+6376   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6381    NULL    true    2       
+6377   "columnsize"    "bigint"        64      0       6381    NULL    true    
3       NULL
+6378   "heapsize"      "bigint"        64      0       6381    NULL    true    
4       NULL
+6379   "indices"       "bigint"        64      0       6381    NULL    true    
5       NULL
+6380   "auxillary"     "bigint"        53      0       6381    NULL    true    
6       NULL
+6383   "schema"        "clob"  0       0       6396    NULL    true    0       
+6384   "table" "clob"  0       0       6396    NULL    true    1       NULL
+6385   "column"        "clob"  0       0       6396    NULL    true    2       
+6386   "type"  "clob"  0       0       6396    NULL    true    3       NULL
+6387   "width" "int"   32      0       6396    NULL    true    4       NULL
+6388   "stamp" "timestamp"     7       0       6396    NULL    true    5       
+6389   "sample"        "bigint"        64      0       6396    NULL    true    
6       NULL
+6390   "count" "bigint"        64      0       6396    NULL    true    7       
+6391   "unique"        "bigint"        64      0       6396    NULL    true    
8       NULL
+6392   "nils"  "bigint"        64      0       6396    NULL    true    9       
+6393   "minval"        "clob"  0       0       6396    NULL    true    10      
+6394   "maxval"        "clob"  0       0       6396    NULL    true    11      
+6395   "sorted"        "boolean"       1       0       6396    NULL    true    
12      NULL
+6449   "function_id"   "int"   32      0       6450    NULL    true    0       
 CREATE TABLE "sys"."_tables" (
@@ -1934,7 +1932,7 @@ CREATE TABLE "sys"."_tables" (
        "commit_action" SMALLINT,
        "readonly"      BOOLEAN
-COPY 74 RECORDS INTO "sys"."_tables" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS '\t','\n','"';
+COPY 72 RECORDS INTO "sys"."_tables" FROM stdin USING DELIMITERS '\t','\n','"';
 2001   "schemas"       2000    NULL    0       true    0       false
 2007   "types" 2000    NULL    0       true    0       false
 2016   "functions"     2000    NULL    0       true    0       false
@@ -1999,16 +1997,14 @@ 5656    "environment"   2000    "create view sys
 5657   "#bbp"  2000    NULL    2       true    0       false
 5677   "#queue"        2000    NULL    2       true    0       false
 5698   "queue" 2000    "create view sys.queue as select * from sys.queue();"   
1       true    0       false
-6266   "#keyarray"     2000    NULL    2       true    0       false
-6272   "#valuearray"   2000    NULL    2       true    0       false
-6294   "#storage"      2000    NULL    2       true    0       false
-6321   "storage"       2000    "create view as select * from;"       1       true    0       false
-6333   "storagemodelinput"     2000    NULL    0       true    0       false
-6353   "#storagemodel" 2000    NULL    2       true    0       false
-6376   "storagemodel"  2000    "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();"     1       true    0       false
-6385   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxillary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(indices) as 
indices,\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 8 * count else 0 end) as 
auxillary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by \"schema\",\"table\";"       1      
 true    0       false
-6400   "statistics"    2000    NULL    0       true    0       false
-6454   "systemfunctions"       2000    NULL    0       true    0       false
+6290   "#storage"      2000    NULL    2       true    0       false
+6317   "storage"       2000    "create view as select * from;"       1       true    0       false
+6329   "storagemodelinput"     2000    NULL    0       true    0       false
+6349   "#storagemodel" 2000    NULL    2       true    0       false
+6372   "storagemodel"  2000    "create view sys.storagemodel as select * from 
sys.storagemodel();"     1       true    0       false
+6381   "tablestoragemodel"     2000    "-- A summary of the table storage 
requirement is is available as a table view.\n-- The auxillary column denotes 
the maximum space if all non-sorted columns\n-- would be augmented with a hash 
(rare situation)\ncreate view sys.tablestoragemodel\nas select 
\"schema\",\"table\",max(count) as \"count\",\n\tsum(columnsize) as 
columnsize,\n\tsum(heapsize) as heapsize,\n\tsum(indices) as 
indices,\n\tsum(case when sorted = false then 8 * count else 0 end) as 
auxillary\nfrom sys.storagemodel() group by \"schema\",\"table\";"       1      
 true    0       false
+6396   "statistics"    2000    NULL    0       true    0       false
+6450   "systemfunctions"       2000    NULL    0       true    0       false
 CREATE TABLE "sys"."args" (
@@ -5408,57 +5404,57 @@ 6260    6259    "result"        "boolean"       1       
0       0
 6261   6259    "js"    "json"  0       0       1
 6264   6263    "result"        "int"   32      0       0
 6265   6263    "js"    "json"  0       0       1
-6270   6269    "result"        "table" 6266    0       0
-6271   6269    "js"    "json"  0       0       1
-6276   6275    "result"        "table" 6272    0       0
+6268   6267    "result"        "json"  0       0       0
+6269   6267    "js"    "json"  0       0       1
+6272   6271    "result"        "json"  0       0       0
+6273   6271    "js"    "json"  0       0       1
+6276   6275    "result"        "clob"  0       0       0
 6277   6275    "js"    "json"  0       0       1
 6280   6279    "result"        "clob"  0       0       0
-6281   6279    "js"    "json"  0       0       1
-6284   6283    "result"        "clob"  0       0       0
-6285   6283    "v"     "clob"  0       0       1
-6289   6288    "result"        "uuid"  0       0       0
-6292   6291    "result"        "uuid"  0       0       0
-6293   6291    "u"     "uuid"  0       0       1
-6308   6307    "result"        "table" 6294    0       0
-6338   6337    "result"        "bigint"        64      0       0
-6339   6337    "nme"   "clob"  0       0       1
-6340   6337    "i"     "bigint"        64      0       2
-6341   6337    "d"     "bigint"        64      0       3
-6344   6343    "result"        "bigint"        64      0       0
-6345   6343    "tpe"   "clob"  0       0       1
-6346   6343    "i"     "bigint"        64      0       2
-6347   6343    "w"     "int"   32      0       3
-6350   6349    "result"        "bigint"        64      0       0
-6351   6349    "b"     "boolean"       1       0       1
-6352   6349    "i"     "bigint"        64      0       2
-6365   6364    "result"        "table" 6353    0       0
-6405   6404    "tbl"   "clob"  0       0       0
+6281   6279    "v"     "clob"  0       0       1
+6285   6284    "result"        "uuid"  0       0       0
+6288   6287    "result"        "uuid"  0       0       0
+6289   6287    "u"     "uuid"  0       0       1
+6304   6303    "result"        "table" 6290    0       0
+6334   6333    "result"        "bigint"        64      0       0
+6335   6333    "nme"   "clob"  0       0       1
+6336   6333    "i"     "bigint"        64      0       2
+6337   6333    "d"     "bigint"        64      0       3
+6340   6339    "result"        "bigint"        64      0       0
+6341   6339    "tpe"   "clob"  0       0       1
+6342   6339    "i"     "bigint"        64      0       2
+6343   6339    "w"     "int"   32      0       3
+6346   6345    "result"        "bigint"        64      0       0
+6347   6345    "b"     "boolean"       1       0       1
+6348   6345    "i"     "bigint"        64      0       2
+6361   6360    "result"        "table" 6349    0       0
+6401   6400    "tbl"   "clob"  0       0       0
+6404   6403    "sch"   "clob"  0       0       0
+6405   6403    "tbl"   "clob"  0       0       1
 6408   6407    "sch"   "clob"  0       0       0
 6409   6407    "tbl"   "clob"  0       0       1
-6412   6411    "sch"   "clob"  0       0       0
-6413   6411    "tbl"   "clob"  0       0       1
-6414   6411    "col"   "clob"  0       0       2
-6417   6416    "sample"        "bigint"        64      0       0
-6420   6419    "tbl"   "clob"  0       0       0
-6421   6419    "sample"        "bigint"        64      0       1
-6424   6423    "sch"   "clob"  0       0       0
-6425   6423    "tbl"   "clob"  0       0       1
-6426   6423    "sample"        "bigint"        64      0       2
-6429   6428    "sch"   "clob"  0       0       0
-6430   6428    "tbl"   "clob"  0       0       1
-6431   6428    "col"   "clob"  0       0       2
-6432   6428    "sample"        "bigint"        64      0       3
-6435   6434    "result"        "clob"  0       0       0
-6436   6434    "src"   "clob"  0       0       1
-6439   6438    "result"        "smallint"      16      0       0
-6440   6438    "one"   "tinyint"       8       0       1
-6441   6438    "two"   "tinyint"       8       0       2
-6444   6443    "result"        "int"   32      0       0
-6445   6443    "one"   "smallint"      16      0       1
-6446   6443    "two"   "smallint"      16      0       2
-6449   6448    "result"        "bigint"        64      0       0
-6450   6448    "one"   "int"   32      0       1
-6451   6448    "two"   "int"   32      0       2
+6410   6407    "col"   "clob"  0       0       2
+6413   6412    "sample"        "bigint"        64      0       0
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