Changeset: 587e42d869c9 for MonetDB
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propagated changeset 9458f1ee8223 from systemfunctions to systemfunctions_gsl & 

diffs (108 lines):

diff --git a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions_gsl.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions_gsl.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions_gsl.stable.out
@@ -91,11 +91,17 @@ Ready.
 [ "json",      "length",       1,      "json", ""      ]
 [ "json",      "number",       0,      "double",       "create function 
json.number(js json)\nreturns float external name json.number;"        ]
 [ "json",      "number",       1,      "json", ""      ]
+[ "json",      "output",       0,      "clob", "-- The remainder awaits the 
implementation \n\ncreate aggregate json.output(js json)\nreturns string 
external name json.output;"       ]
+[ "json",      "output",       1,      "json", ""      ]
 [ "json",      "text", 0,      "clob", "create function json.text(js json, e 
string)\nreturns string external name json.text;" ]
 [ "json",      "text", 1,      "json", ""      ]
 [ "json",      "text", 2,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "json",      "text", 0,      "clob", "create function json.text(js 
json)\nreturns string external name json.text;"   ]
 [ "json",      "text", 1,      "json", ""      ]
+[ "json",      "text", 0,      "clob", "create function json.text(js 
string)\nreturns string external name json.text;" ]
+[ "json",      "text", 1,      "clob", ""      ]
+[ "json",      "text", 0,      "clob", "create function json.text(js 
int)\nreturns string external name json.text;"    ]
+[ "json",      "text", 1,      "int",  ""      ]
 [ "json",      "valuearray",   0,      "json", "create function 
json.valuearray(js json)\nreturns  json external name json.valuearray;"        ]
 [ "json",      "valuearray",   1,      "json", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "Intersect",    0,      "boolean",      "create function 
\"Intersect\"(a geometry, b geometry) returns boolean external name 
geom.\"Intersect\";"       ]
@@ -256,6 +262,8 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "distance",     0,      "double",       "create function 
distance(a geometry, b geometry) returns float external name 
geom.\"Distance\";"       ]
 [ "sys",       "distance",     1,      "geometry",     ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "distance",     2,      "geometry",     ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "dropdictionary",       0,      "clob", "create procedure 
dropdictionary (s string, t string)\n    external name sql.dropdictionary;"   ]
+[ "sys",       "dropdictionary",       1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "env",  0,      "varchar",      "CREATE FUNCTION env () RETURNS 
TABLE( name varchar(1024), value varchar(2048)) EXTERNAL NAME 
sql.sql_environment;"     ]
 [ "sys",       "env",  1,      "varchar",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "envelope",     0,      "geometry",     "create function 
envelope(g geometry) returns geometry external name geom.\"Envelope\";"        ]
@@ -310,6 +318,14 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "getroboturl",  1,      "url",  ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "getuser",      0,      "clob", "create function getuser(theurl 
url) returns string       \n\texternal name url.\"getUser\";"   ]
 [ "sys",       "getuser",      1,      "url",  ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "gzcompress",   0,      "clob", "-- The contents of this file 
are subject to the MonetDB Public License\n-- Version 1.1 (the \"License\"); 
you may not use this file except in\n-- compliance with the License. You may 
obtain a copy of the License at\n--\n--\n-- Software distributed under 
the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\"\n-- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY 
KIND, either express or implied. See the\n-- License for the specific language 
governing rights and limitations\n-- under the License.\n--\n-- The Original 
Code is the MonetDB Database System.\n--\n-- The Initial Developer of the 
Original Code is CWI.\n-- Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 
2008 CWI.\n-- Copyright August 2008-2014 MonetDB B.V.\n-- All Rights 
Reserved.\n\n-- Perform LZ-compression over a specific table;\ncreate procedure 
gzcompress (s string, t string)\n    external name sql.gzcompress;"   ]
+[ "sys",       "gzcompress",   1,      "clob", ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "gzdecompress", 0,      "clob", "create procedure gzdecompress 
(s string, t string)\n    external name sql.gzdecompress;"       ]
+[ "sys",       "gzdecompress", 1,      "clob", ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "gzexpand",     0,      "clob", "-- Remove the compressed 
images\ncreate procedure gzexpand (s string, t string)\n    external name 
sql.gzexpand;"      ]
+[ "sys",       "gzexpand",     1,      "clob", ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "gztruncate",   0,      "clob", "-- Truncate the storage for 
columns with a compressed image\ncreate procedure gztruncate (s string, t 
string)\n    external name sql.gztruncate;"      ]
+[ "sys",       "gztruncate",   1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "hashsize",     0,      "bigint",       "create function 
sys.hashsize(b boolean, i bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\t-- assume 
non-compound keys\n\tif  b = true\n\tthen\n\t\treturn 8 * i;\n\tend 
if;\n\treturn 0;\nend;"      ]
 [ "sys",       "hashsize",     1,      "boolean",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "hashsize",     2,      "bigint",       ""      ]
@@ -408,6 +424,8 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "netmask",      1,      "inet", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "network",      0,      "inet", "create function \"network\" (p 
inet) returns inet\n\texternal name inet.\"network\";"  ]
 [ "sys",       "network",      1,      "inet", ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "newdictionary",        0,      "clob", "-- The contents of 
this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License\n-- Version 1.1 (the 
\"License\"); you may not use this file except in\n-- compliance with the 
License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\n--\n--\n-- Software distributed under 
the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\"\n-- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY 
KIND, either express or implied. See the\n-- License for the specific language 
governing rights and limitations\n-- under the License.\n--\n-- The Original 
Code is the MonetDB Database System.\n--\n-- The Initial Developer of the 
Original Code is CWI.\n-- Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 
2008 CWI.\n-- Copyright August 2008-2014 MonetDB B.V.\n-- All Rights 
Reserved.\n\ncreate procedure newdictionary (s string, t string)\n    external 
name sql.newdictionary;"       ]
+[ "sys",       "newdictionary",        1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "newurl",       0,      "url",  "create function 
newurl(protocol string, hostname string, \"port\" int, file string) \n\treturns 
url       \n\texternal name url.\"new\";"      ]
 [ "sys",       "newurl",       1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "newurl",       2,      "clob", ""      ]
diff --git a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions_nogeom.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions_nogeom.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/Tests/systemfunctions_nogeom.stable.out
@@ -91,11 +91,17 @@ Ready.
 [ "json",      "length",       1,      "json", ""      ]
 [ "json",      "number",       0,      "double",       "create function 
json.number(js json)\nreturns float external name json.number;"        ]
 [ "json",      "number",       1,      "json", ""      ]
+[ "json",      "output",       0,      "clob", "-- The remainder awaits the 
implementation \n\ncreate aggregate json.output(js json)\nreturns string 
external name json.output;"       ]
+[ "json",      "output",       1,      "json", ""      ]
 [ "json",      "text", 0,      "clob", "create function json.text(js json, e 
string)\nreturns string external name json.text;" ]
 [ "json",      "text", 1,      "json", ""      ]
 [ "json",      "text", 2,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "json",      "text", 0,      "clob", "create function json.text(js 
json)\nreturns string external name json.text;"   ]
 [ "json",      "text", 1,      "json", ""      ]
+[ "json",      "text", 0,      "clob", "create function json.text(js 
string)\nreturns string external name json.text;" ]
+[ "json",      "text", 1,      "clob", ""      ]
+[ "json",      "text", 0,      "clob", "create function json.text(js 
int)\nreturns string external name json.text;"    ]
+[ "json",      "text", 1,      "int",  ""      ]
 [ "json",      "valuearray",   0,      "json", "create function 
json.valuearray(js json)\nreturns  json external name json.valuearray;"        ]
 [ "json",      "valuearray",   1,      "json", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "abbrev",       0,      "clob", "create function \"abbrev\" (p 
inet) returns clob\n\texternal name inet.\"abbrev\";"    ]
@@ -219,6 +225,8 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "dependencies_views_on_triggers",       0,      "varchar",      
"--View v has a dependency on trigger tri\ncreate function 
dependencies_views_on_triggers()\nreturns table (sch varchar(100), usr 
varchar(100), dep_type varchar(32))\nreturn table (select,, 
'DEP_TRIGGER' from tables as v, triggers as tri, dependencies as dep where = and dep.depend_id and dep.depend_type = 8 and v.type = 
1);"      ]
 [ "sys",       "dependencies_views_on_triggers",       1,      "varchar",      
""      ]
 [ "sys",       "dependencies_views_on_triggers",       2,      "varchar",      
""      ]
+[ "sys",       "dropdictionary",       0,      "clob", "create procedure 
dropdictionary (s string, t string)\n    external name sql.dropdictionary;"   ]
+[ "sys",       "dropdictionary",       1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "env",  0,      "varchar",      "CREATE FUNCTION env () RETURNS 
TABLE( name varchar(1024), value varchar(2048)) EXTERNAL NAME 
sql.sql_environment;"     ]
 [ "sys",       "env",  1,      "varchar",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "environment",  0,      "clob", "-- The environment 
table\ncreate function sys.environment()\n\treturns table (\"name\" string, 
value string)\n\texternal name sql.sql_environment;"    ]
@@ -260,6 +268,14 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "getroboturl",  1,      "url",  ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "getuser",      0,      "clob", "create function getuser(theurl 
url) returns string       \n\texternal name url.\"getUser\";"   ]
 [ "sys",       "getuser",      1,      "url",  ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "gzcompress",   0,      "clob", "-- The contents of this file 
are subject to the MonetDB Public License\n-- Version 1.1 (the \"License\"); 
you may not use this file except in\n-- compliance with the License. You may 
obtain a copy of the License at\n--\n--\n-- Software distributed under 
the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\"\n-- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY 
KIND, either express or implied. See the\n-- License for the specific language 
governing rights and limitations\n-- under the License.\n--\n-- The Original 
Code is the MonetDB Database System.\n--\n-- The Initial Developer of the 
Original Code is CWI.\n-- Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 
2008 CWI.\n-- Copyright August 2008-2014 MonetDB B.V.\n-- All Rights 
Reserved.\n\n-- Perform LZ-compression over a specific table;\ncreate procedure 
gzcompress (s string, t string)\n    external name sql.gzcompress;"   ]
+[ "sys",       "gzcompress",   1,      "clob", ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "gzdecompress", 0,      "clob", "create procedure gzdecompress 
(s string, t string)\n    external name sql.gzdecompress;"       ]
+[ "sys",       "gzdecompress", 1,      "clob", ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "gzexpand",     0,      "clob", "-- Remove the compressed 
images\ncreate procedure gzexpand (s string, t string)\n    external name 
sql.gzexpand;"      ]
+[ "sys",       "gzexpand",     1,      "clob", ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "gztruncate",   0,      "clob", "-- Truncate the storage for 
columns with a compressed image\ncreate procedure gztruncate (s string, t 
string)\n    external name sql.gztruncate;"      ]
+[ "sys",       "gztruncate",   1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "hashsize",     0,      "bigint",       "create function 
sys.hashsize(b boolean, i bigint)\nreturns bigint\nbegin\n\t-- assume 
non-compound keys\n\tif  b = true\n\tthen\n\t\treturn 8 * i;\n\tend 
if;\n\treturn 0;\nend;"      ]
 [ "sys",       "hashsize",     1,      "boolean",      ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "hashsize",     2,      "bigint",       ""      ]
@@ -332,6 +348,8 @@ Ready.
 [ "sys",       "netmask",      1,      "inet", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "network",      0,      "inet", "create function \"network\" (p 
inet) returns inet\n\texternal name inet.\"network\";"  ]
 [ "sys",       "network",      1,      "inet", ""      ]
+[ "sys",       "newdictionary",        0,      "clob", "-- The contents of 
this file are subject to the MonetDB Public License\n-- Version 1.1 (the 
\"License\"); you may not use this file except in\n-- compliance with the 
License. You may obtain a copy of the License at\n--\n--\n-- Software distributed under 
the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\"\n-- basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY 
KIND, either express or implied. See the\n-- License for the specific language 
governing rights and limitations\n-- under the License.\n--\n-- The Original 
Code is the MonetDB Database System.\n--\n-- The Initial Developer of the 
Original Code is CWI.\n-- Portions created by CWI are Copyright (C) 1997-July 
2008 CWI.\n-- Copyright August 2008-2014 MonetDB B.V.\n-- All Rights 
Reserved.\n\ncreate procedure newdictionary (s string, t string)\n    external 
name sql.newdictionary;"       ]
+[ "sys",       "newdictionary",        1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "newurl",       0,      "url",  "create function 
newurl(protocol string, hostname string, \"port\" int, file string) \n\treturns 
url       \n\texternal name url.\"new\";"      ]
 [ "sys",       "newurl",       1,      "clob", ""      ]
 [ "sys",       "newurl",       2,      "clob", ""      ]
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