Changeset: 116063d25b30 for MonetDB
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Branch: default
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More aggressive check for using hash-based select.
Actually look for existing but not yet loaded hash on both the bat
itself and its parent (if it is a view).

diffs (57 lines):

diff --git a/gdk/gdk_select.c b/gdk/gdk_select.c
--- a/gdk/gdk_select.c
+++ b/gdk/gdk_select.c
@@ -1485,15 +1485,28 @@ BATsubselect(BAT *b, BAT *s, const void 
        /* refine upper limit by exact size (if known) */
        maximum = MIN(maximum, estimate);
+       parent = VIEWtparent(b);
+       /* use hash only for equi-join, and then only if b or its
+        * parent already has a hash, or if b or its parent is
+        * persistent and the total size wouldn't be too large; check
+        * for existence of hash last since that may involve I/O */
        hash = equi &&
-               (b->batPersistence == PERSISTENT ||
-                ((parent = VIEWtparent(b)) != 0 &&
-                 BBPquickdesc(abs(parent),0)->batPersistence == PERSISTENT)) &&
-               (size_t) ATOMsize(b->ttype) >= sizeof(BUN) / 4 &&
-               BATcount(b) * (ATOMsize(b->ttype) + 2 * sizeof(BUN)) < 
GDK_mem_maxsize / 2;
-       if (hash && estimate == BUN_NONE && !BATcheckhash(b)) {
+               (((b->batPersistence == PERSISTENT ||
+                 (parent != 0 &&
+                  BBPquickdesc(abs(parent),0)->batPersistence == PERSISTENT)) 
+                (size_t) ATOMsize(b->ttype) >= sizeof(BUN) / 4 &&
+                 BATcount(b) * (ATOMsize(b->ttype) + 2 * sizeof(BUN)) < 
GDK_mem_maxsize / 2) ||
+                (BATcheckhash(b) ||
+                 (parent != 0 &&
+                  BATcheckhash(BBPdescriptor(-parent)))));
+       if (hash &&
+           estimate == BUN_NONE &&
+           !BATcheckhash(b) &&
+           (parent == 0 || !BATcheckhash(BBPdescriptor(-parent)))) {
                /* no exact result size, but we need estimate to choose
-                * between hash- & scan-select */
+                * between hash- & scan-select
+                * (if we already have a hash, it's a no-brainer: we
+                * use it) */
                BUN cnt = BATcount(b);
                if (s && BATcount(s) < cnt)
                        cnt = BATcount(s);
@@ -1546,7 +1559,7 @@ BATsubselect(BAT *b, BAT *s, const void 
        if (bn == NULL)
                return NULL;
-       if (equi && (b->T->hash || hash)) {
+       if (equi && hash) {
                ALGODEBUG fprintf(stderr, "#BATsubselect(b=%s#" BUNFMT
                                  ",s=%s%s,anti=%d): hash select\n",
                                  BATgetId(b), BATcount(b),
@@ -1558,7 +1571,7 @@ BATsubselect(BAT *b, BAT *s, const void 
                if (!equi &&
                    !b->tvarsized &&
                    (b->batPersistence == PERSISTENT ||
-                    ((parent = VIEWtparent(b)) != 0 &&
+                    (parent != 0 &&
                      BBPquickdesc(abs(parent),0)->batPersistence == 
                        /* use imprints if
                         *   i) bat is persistent, or parent is persistent
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