Changeset: 886832a05b60 for MonetDB
Modified Files:
Branch: Jun2016
Log Message:

Fixed up upgrade code.

diffs (truncated from 1409 to 300 lines):

diff --git a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c 
--- a/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
+++ b/sql/backends/monet5/sql_upgrades.c
@@ -1217,16 +1217,69 @@ sql_update_jun2016(Client c)
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "grant execute on function 
rejects to public;\n");
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "grant execute on function 
md5 to public;\n");
-#if 0
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "drop procedure 
profiler_openstream(host string, port int);");
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "drop procedure 
profiler_stethoscope(ticks int);");
-       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "create schema profiler;"
-               "create procedure profiler.start() external name 
-               "create procedure profiler.stop() external name profiler.stop;"
-               "create procedure profiler.setheartbeat(beat int) external name 
-               "create procedure profiler.setpoolsize(poolsize int) external 
name profiler.setpoolsize;"
-               "create procedure profiler.setstream(host string, port int) 
external name profiler.setstream;");
+       /* 16_tracelog.sql */
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "drop procedure 
sys.profiler_openstream(string, int);\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "drop procedure 
+       /* 25_debug.sql */
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "drop function sys.bbp();\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+               "create function sys.bbp()\n"
+               "returns table (id int, name string,\n"
+               "ttype string, count bigint, refcnt int, lrefcnt int,\n"
+               "location string, kind string)\n"
+               "external name bbp.get;\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+               "create function sys.malfunctions()\n"
+               "returns table(\"signature\" string, \"address\" string, 
\"comment\" string)\n"
+               "external name \"manual\".\"functions\";\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+               "create procedure sys.flush_log ()\n"
+               "external name sql.\"flush_log\";\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+               "create function sys.debug(debug int) returns integer\n"
+               "external name mdb.\"setDebug\";\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+               "insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions 
where name in ('bbp', 'malfunctions', 'flush_log', 'debug') and schema_id = 
(select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id not in (select 
function_id from sys.systemfunctions));\n");
+       /* 46_profiler.sql */
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+               "create schema profiler;\n"
+               "create procedure profiler.start() external name 
+               "create procedure profiler.stop() external name 
+               "create procedure profiler.setheartbeat(beat int) external name 
+               "create procedure profiler.setpoolsize(poolsize int) external 
name profiler.setpoolsize;\n"
+               "create procedure profiler.setstream(host string, port int) 
external name profiler.setstream;\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+               "update sys.schemas set system = true where name = 
+               "insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions 
where name in ('start', 'stop', 'setheartbeat', 'setpoolsize', 'setstream') and 
schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'profiler') and id not in 
(select function_id from sys.systemfunctions));\n");
+       /* 51_sys_schema_extensions.sql */
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+               "delete from sys.keywords;\n"
+               "insert into sys.keywords values\n"
+               "('ADD'), ('ADMIN'), ('AFTER'), ('AGGREGATE'), ('ALL'), 
('ALTER'), ('ALWAYS'), ('AND'), ('ANY'), ('ASC'), ('ASYMMETRIC'), ('ATOMIC'), 
+               "('BEFORE'), ('BEGIN'), ('BEST'), ('BETWEEN'), ('BIGINT'), 
('BIGSERIAL'), ('BINARY'), ('BLOB'), ('BY'),\n"
+               "('CALL'), ('CASCADE'), ('CASE'), ('CAST'), ('CHAIN'), 
('CHAR'), ('CHARACTER'), ('CHECK'), ('CLOB'), ('COALESCE'), ('COMMIT'), 
+               "('DAY'), ('DEC'), ('DECIMAL'), ('DECLARE'), ('DEFAULT'), 
('DELETE'), ('DELIMITERS'), ('DESC'), ('DO'), ('DOUBLE'), ('DROP'),\n"
+               "('EACH'), ('EFFORT'), ('ELSE'), ('ELSEIF'), ('ENCRYPTED'), 
('END'), ('ESCAPE'), ('EVERY'), ('EXCEPT'), ('EXCLUDE'), ('EXISTS'), 
+               "('FALSE'), ('FLOAT'), ('FOLLOWING'), ('FOR'), ('FOREIGN'), 
('FROM'), ('FULL'), ('FUNCTION'),\n"
+               "('GENERATED'), ('GLOBAL'), ('GRANT'), ('GROUP'),\n"
+               "('HAVING'), ('HOUR'), ('HUGEINT'),\n"
+               "('IDENTITY'), ('IF'), ('ILIKE'), ('IN'), ('INDEX'), ('INNER'), 
('INSERT'), ('INT'), ('INTEGER'), ('INTERSECT'), ('INTO'), ('IS'), 
+               "('JOIN'),\n"
+               "('LEFT'), ('LIKE'), ('LIMIT'), ('LOCAL'), ('LOCALTIME'), 
+               "('MEDIUMINT'), ('MERGE'), ('MINUTE'), ('MONTH'),\n"
+               "('NATURAL'), ('NEW'), ('NEXT'), ('NOCYCLE'), ('NOMAXVALUE'), 
('NOMINVALUE'), ('NOT'), ('NOW'), ('NULL'), ('NULLIF'), ('NUMERIC'),\n"
+               "('OF'), ('OFFSET'), ('OLD'), ('ON'), ('ONLY'), ('OPTION'), 
('OR'), ('ORDER'), ('OTHERS'), ('OUTER'), ('OVER'),\n"
+               "('PARTIAL'), ('PARTITION'), ('POSITION'), ('PRECEDING'), 
+               "('RANGE'), ('READ'), ('REAL'), ('RECORDS'), ('REFERENCES'), 
('ROLLBACK'), ('ROWS'),\n"
+               "('SAMPLE'), ('SAVEPOINT'), ('SECOND'), ('SELECT'), 
+               "('THEN'), ('TIES'), ('TINYINT'), ('TO'), ('TRANSACTION'), 
('TRIGGER'), ('TRUE'),\n"
+               "('UNBOUNDED'), ('UNCOMMITTED'), ('UNENCRYPTED'), ('UNION'), 
('UNIQUE'), ('UPDATE'), ('USER'), ('USING'),\n"
+               "('VALUES'), ('VARCHAR'), ('VARYING'), ('VIEW'),\n"
+               "('WHEN'), ('WHERE'), ('WHILE'), ('WITH'), ('WORK'), 
+               "('XMLAGG'), ('XMLATTRIBUTES'), ('XMLCOMMENT'), ('XMLCONCAT'), 
        // Add the new storage inspection functions.
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
@@ -1290,11 +1343,15 @@ sql_update_jun2016(Client c)
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
                        "insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from 
sys.functions where name = 'storage' and schema_id = (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from 
-       /* change to 99_system.sql: correct invalid FK schema ids, set them to 
schema id 2000 (the "sys" schema) */
+       /* change to 99_system.sql: correct invalid FK schema ids, set
+        * them to schema id 2000 (the "sys" schema) */
        pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
-                       "UPDATE sys.types     SET schema_id = (SELECT id FROM 
sys.schemas WHERE name = 'sys') WHERE schema_id = 0 AND schema_id NOT IN 
(SELECT id from sys.schemas);\n"
+                       "UPDATE sys.types SET schema_id = (SELECT id FROM 
sys.schemas WHERE name = 'sys') WHERE schema_id = 0 AND schema_id NOT IN 
(SELECT id from sys.schemas);\n"
                        "UPDATE sys.functions SET schema_id = (SELECT id FROM 
sys.schemas WHERE name = 'sys') WHERE schema_id = 0 AND schema_id NOT IN 
(SELECT id from sys.schemas);\n");
+       pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos,
+                       "delete from sys.systemfunctions where function_id not 
in (select id from sys.functions);\n");
        if (schema) {
                pos += snprintf(buf + pos, bufsize - pos, "set schema 
\"%s\";\n", schema);
diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/check.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/check.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/check.stable.out.int128
@@ -857,12 +857,6 @@ create function sys.hashsize(b boolean, 
 create function sys.heapsize(tpe string, i bigint, w int) returns bigint begin 
if tpe <> 'varchar' and tpe <> 'clob' then return 0; end if; return 10240 + i * 
w; end;
 create function "host" (p inet) returns clob external name inet."host";
 create function "hostmask" (p inet) returns inet external name inet."hostmask";
 create filter function "ilike"(val string, pat string, esc string) external 
name algebra."ilike";
 create filter function "ilike"(val string, pat string) external name 
 create function sys.imprintsize(i bigint, nme string) returns bigint begin if 
nme = 'boolean' or nme = 'tinyint' or nme = 'smallint' or nme = 'int' or nme = 
'bigint' or nme = 'hugeint' or nme = 'decimal' or nme = 'date' or nme = 
'timestamp' or nme = 'real' or nme = 'double' then return cast(i * 0.12 as 
bigint); end if ; return 0; end;
@@ -870,28 +864,8 @@ create function internaltransform(geom g
 create function isaurl(theurl url) returns bool external name url."isaURL";
 create function sys.isauuid(u uuid) returns uuid external name uuid."isaUUID";
 create function sys.isauuid(u string) returns uuid external name 
 create function "left_shift"(i1 inet, i2 inet) returns boolean external name 
 create function "left_shift_assign"(i1 inet, i2 inet) returns boolean external 
name inet."<<=";
 create filter function "like"(val string, pat string, esc string) external 
name algebra."like";
 create filter function "like"(val string, pat string) external name 
 create function sys.malfunctions() returns table("signature" string, "address" 
string, "comment" string) external name "manual"."functions";
@@ -950,20 +924,6 @@ create procedure sys.resume(tag int) ext
 create procedure sys.resume(tag bigint) external name sql.sysmon_resume;
 create procedure reuse(sys string, tab string) external name sql.reuse;
 create function reverse(src string) returns string external name udf.reverse;
 create function "right_shift"(i1 inet, i2 inet) returns boolean external name 
 create function "right_shift_assign"(i1 inet, i2 inet) returns boolean 
external name inet.">>=";
 create function sys.sessions() returns table("user" string, "login" timestamp, 
"sessiontimeout" bigint, "lastcommand" timestamp, "querytimeout" bigint, 
"active" bool) external name sql.sessions;
diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain-hge/Tests/upgrade.stable.out.int128
@@ -53,6 +53,54 @@ grant execute on function zorder_decode_
 grant execute on function zorder_decode_y to public;
 grant execute on function rejects to public;
 grant execute on function md5 to public;
+drop procedure sys.profiler_openstream(string, int);
+drop procedure sys.profiler_stethoscope(int);
+drop function sys.bbp();
+create function sys.bbp()
+returns table (id int, name string,
+ttype string, count bigint, refcnt int, lrefcnt int,
+location string, kind string)
+external name bbp.get;
+create function sys.malfunctions()
+returns table("signature" string, "address" string, "comment" string)
+external name "manual"."functions";
+create procedure sys.flush_log ()
+external name sql."flush_log";
+create function sys.debug(debug int) returns integer
+external name mdb."setDebug";
+insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name in 
('bbp', 'malfunctions', 'flush_log', 'debug') and schema_id = (select id from 
sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and id not in (select function_id from 
+create schema profiler;
+create procedure profiler.start() external name profiler."start";
+create procedure profiler.stop() external name profiler.stop;
+create procedure profiler.setheartbeat(beat int) external name 
+create procedure profiler.setpoolsize(poolsize int) external name 
+create procedure profiler.setstream(host string, port int) external name 
+update sys.schemas set system = true where name = 'profiler';
+insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name in 
('start', 'stop', 'setheartbeat', 'setpoolsize', 'setstream') and schema_id = 
(select id from sys.schemas where name = 'profiler') and id not in (select 
function_id from sys.systemfunctions));
+delete from sys.keywords;
+insert into sys.keywords values
+('ADD'), ('ADMIN'), ('AFTER'), ('AGGREGATE'), ('ALL'), ('ALTER'), ('ALWAYS'), 
+('BEFORE'), ('BEGIN'), ('BEST'), ('BETWEEN'), ('BIGINT'), ('BIGSERIAL'), 
('BINARY'), ('BLOB'), ('BY'),
+('CALL'), ('CASCADE'), ('CASE'), ('CAST'), ('CHAIN'), ('CHAR'), ('CHARACTER'), 
+('DAY'), ('DEC'), ('DECIMAL'), ('DECLARE'), ('DEFAULT'), ('DELETE'), 
('DELIMITERS'), ('DESC'), ('DO'), ('DOUBLE'), ('DROP'),
+('EACH'), ('EFFORT'), ('ELSE'), ('ELSEIF'), ('ENCRYPTED'), ('END'), 
+('FALSE'), ('FLOAT'), ('FOLLOWING'), ('FOR'), ('FOREIGN'), ('FROM'), ('FULL'), 
+('HAVING'), ('HOUR'), ('HUGEINT'),
+('IDENTITY'), ('IF'), ('ILIKE'), ('IN'), ('INDEX'), ('INNER'), ('INSERT'), 
('INT'), ('INTEGER'), ('INTERSECT'), ('INTO'), ('IS'), ('ISOLATION'),
('NOT'), ('NOW'), ('NULL'), ('NULLIF'), ('NUMERIC'),
+('OF'), ('OFFSET'), ('OLD'), ('ON'), ('ONLY'), ('OPTION'), ('OR'), ('ORDER'), 
('OTHERS'), ('OUTER'), ('OVER'),
('SOME'), ('SPLIT_PART'), ('STDIN'), ('STDOUT'), ('STORAGE'), ('STREAM'), 
+('THEN'), ('TIES'), ('TINYINT'), ('TO'), ('TRANSACTION'), ('TRIGGER'), 
('UPDATE'), ('USER'), ('USING'),
+('VALUES'), ('VARCHAR'), ('VARYING'), ('VIEW'),
+('WHEN'), ('WHERE'), ('WHILE'), ('WITH'), ('WORK'), ('WRITE'),
 create function sys."storage"( sname string)
 returns table (
     "schema" string,
@@ -112,6 +160,7 @@ external name sql."storage";
 insert into sys.systemfunctions (select id from sys.functions where name = 
'storage' and schema_id = (select id from sys.schemas where name = 'sys') and 
id not in (select function_id from sys.systemfunctions));
 UPDATE sys.types     SET schema_id = (SELECT id FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 
'sys') WHERE schema_id = 0 AND schema_id NOT IN (SELECT id from sys.schemas);
 UPDATE sys.functions SET schema_id = (SELECT id FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 
'sys') WHERE schema_id = 0 AND schema_id NOT IN (SELECT id from sys.schemas);
+delete from sys.systemfunctions where function_id not in (select id from 
 set schema "sys";
 Running database upgrade commands:
diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain/Tests/check.stable.out 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain/Tests/check.stable.out
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain/Tests/check.stable.out
@@ -853,12 +853,6 @@ create function sys.hashsize(b boolean, 
 create function sys.heapsize(tpe string, i bigint, w int) returns bigint begin 
if tpe <> 'varchar' and tpe <> 'clob' then return 0; end if; return 10240 + i * 
w; end;
 create function "host" (p inet) returns clob external name inet."host";
 create function "hostmask" (p inet) returns inet external name inet."hostmask";
 create filter function "ilike"(val string, pat string, esc string) external 
name algebra."ilike";
 create filter function "ilike"(val string, pat string) external name 
 create function sys.imprintsize(i bigint, nme string) returns bigint begin if 
nme = 'boolean' or nme = 'tinyint' or nme = 'smallint' or nme = 'int' or nme = 
'bigint' or nme = 'hugeint' or nme = 'decimal' or nme = 'date' or nme = 
'timestamp' or nme = 'real' or nme = 'double' then return cast(i * 0.12 as 
bigint); end if ; return 0; end;
@@ -866,26 +860,8 @@ create function internaltransform(geom g
 create function isaurl(theurl url) returns bool external name url."isaURL";
 create function sys.isauuid(u uuid) returns uuid external name uuid."isaUUID";
 create function sys.isauuid(u string) returns uuid external name 
 create function "left_shift"(i1 inet, i2 inet) returns boolean external name 
 create function "left_shift_assign"(i1 inet, i2 inet) returns boolean external 
name inet."<<=";
 create filter function "like"(val string, pat string, esc string) external 
name algebra."like";
 create filter function "like"(val string, pat string) external name 
 create function sys.malfunctions() returns table("signature" string, "address" 
string, "comment" string) external name "manual"."functions";
@@ -942,18 +918,6 @@ create procedure sys.resume(tag int) ext
 create procedure sys.resume(tag bigint) external name sql.sysmon_resume;
 create procedure reuse(sys string, tab string) external name sql.reuse;
 create function reverse(src string) returns string external name udf.reverse;
 create function "right_shift"(i1 inet, i2 inet) returns boolean external name 
 create function "right_shift_assign"(i1 inet, i2 inet) returns boolean 
external name inet.">>=";
 create function sys.sessions() returns table("user" string, "login" timestamp, 
"sessiontimeout" bigint, "lastcommand" timestamp, "querytimeout" bigint, 
"active" bool) external name sql.sessions;
diff --git a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain/Tests/check.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain/Tests/check.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/test/emptydb-upgrade-chain/Tests/check.stable.out.int128
@@ -857,12 +857,6 @@ create function sys.hashsize(b boolean, 
 create function sys.heapsize(tpe string, i bigint, w int) returns bigint begin 
if tpe <> 'varchar' and tpe <> 'clob' then return 0; end if; return 10240 + i * 
w; end;
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