Changeset: f09542a49e1a for MonetDB
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Start documenting the input to MonetDB

diffs (139 lines):

diff --git a/documentation/source/index.rst b/documentation/source/index.rst
--- a/documentation/source/index.rst
+++ b/documentation/source/index.rst
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ Welcome to MonetDB's documentation!
    :maxdepth: 2
    :caption: Contents:
+   input
 Indices and tables
diff --git a/documentation/source/input.rst b/documentation/source/input.rst
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/documentation/source/input.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+Giving input to MonetDB
+This chapter discusses what kinds of input MonetDB accepts as syntactically
+String literals are denoted by enclosing a sequence of UTF-8 characters between
+single quotes: ``'``. MonetDB allows the use of different quote sequences that
+control the interpretation of the contents of the string.
+.. note:: The quote sequences are *not* case sensitive, i.e. the strings
+   ``E'abc'`` and ``e'abc'``, are exactly the same.
+The available modes
+are as follows:
+Enhanced strings
+  Enhanced strings are enclosed between ``E'`` and ``'``. Within them various
+  C-like escape sequences are valid::
+    sql>SELECT E'Newline chars\nare interpreted like in C-strings';
+    +-------------------------------------------------+
+    | single_value                                    |
+    +=================================================+
+    | Newline chars                                   |
+    : are interpreted like in C-strings               :
+    +-------------------------------------------------+
+    1 tuple
+  .. warning::
+    By default MonetDB interprets strings in this mode, i.e. if you use just
+    single quotes to enclose a string it will be interpreted like this.
+Raw strings
+  Raw strings are enclosed between the lexemes ``R'`` and ``'``. In this mode
+  all characters are interpreted literally except for the single quote 
+  (``'``) that needs to be escaped by writing it twice. This mode is what the
+  SQL specifies as strings::
+    sql>SELECT R'Backslash doesn''t have a special meaning here: \n';
+    +---------------------------------------------------+
+    | single_value                                      |
+    +===================================================+
+    | Backslash doesn't have a special meaning here: \n |
+    +---------------------------------------------------+
+    1 tuple
+  Strings enclosed in ``X'`` and ``'``, are intended for input of binary
+  blobs. Only hexadecimal digits (case insensitive) are allowed in this mode,
+  and the string must have an even number of characters. Every hexadecimal 
+  pair is interpreted as one byte::
+   sql>SELECT X'12EEff';
+   +---------------------------------------------------+
+   | single_value                                      |
+   +===================================================+
+   | 12EEFF                                            |
+   +---------------------------------------------------+
+   1 tuple
+   sql>SELECT X'1';
+   incorrect blob 1 in: "select X'1';"
+Unicode sequences
+  Strings enclosed between ``U&'`` and ``'``, are interpreted as unicode
+  sequences::
+   sql>select U&'\000a';
+   +--------------+
+   | single_value |
+   +==============+
+   |              |
+   +--------------+
+   1 tuple
+   sql>select U&'\0061';
+   +--------------+
+   | single_value |
+   +==============+
+   | a            |
+   +--------------+
+   1 tuple
+   sql>select U&'\00a';
+   Bad Unicode string in: "select U&'\00a';"
+   sql>select U&'\00oa';
+   Bad Unicode string in: "select U&'\00oa';"
+You can write comments in three different ways:
+SQL line comments
+  These start with two hyphens: ``--`` and extend to the end of the line.
+Python line comments
+  Anything between the hash character ``#`` and the end of the line is ignored
+  by MonetDB.
+C block comments
+  MonetDB also ignores anything that is written between the lexemes ``/*`` and
+  ``*/``.
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